Data Analysis and Information SecuritY (DAISY) Lab

Data Analysis and Information Security (DAISY) Lab

Open-Source Community-based Edge Sensing Testbed

This is a multi-million dollar collaborative project sponsored by NSF. The project is developing an open-source, large-scale, mobile edge sensing and computing infrastructure to provide practical experimental environments and share various datasets and machine-learning-based algorithms.

Shared open-source community-based edge computing and sensing testbed is available here

Shared open-source multi-modal sensing datasets, covering WiFi, RFID, vibration, and mmWave sensing data, are available here.

Shared open-source algorithms and ML/AI models are available here.


Refereed Conference Papers




{{con.where}} ({{con.conference}}) {{con.accept_rate}}


Refereed Workshop Papers, Posters, and Demos

{{ publications.workshop.length - index}}.




Technical Reports

{{ publications.reports.length - index}}.

