Ritabrata Roy

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Further Reading:

L.Rupas and S. Verdu, "Linear Multiuser Detectors for Synchronous Code-Division Multiple-Access Channels", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 35:123-136, January 1989.

S. Ulukus and R. Yates, "Stochastic Power Control for Cellular Radio Systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 46:784-798, June 1998.

Taking cue from the role of a Domain Name Server (DNS), this project proposes a Network Interference Server (NIS) model capable of providing information about the neighborhood of a wireless node. All nodes within the network that partake of this directory service provide a dynamic log of their transmission pattern to the NIS through reliable control channels. Thus the Network Interference Server is modeled as an intelligent information-gathering source that maintains a database of transmissions in its neighborhood. Whenever a wireless node within the network requires neighborhood information, it sends a request to the NIS along with a trace of transmissions it had received in the past. The NIS identifies the requesting node and determines the nodes that lie within its "radio-distance" vicinity by attempting a correlation between the original information sequence and the attenuated signals received by the requesting node from its neighbors.

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