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mac_params_list Struct Reference

Structure, used by the parameter-related functions, to communicate with the driver. More...

#include <libmac_cmn.h>

Data Fields

unsigned char len
 Number of keys that are contained in the struct, at any point of time it is being used.
unsigned char key_array [MAX_NO_PARAMS]
 This array contains the keys that are being used at any point of time.
unsigned char flags [MAX_NO_PARAMS]
 This array contains byte flags that correspond to the respective keys in the key_array.

Detailed Description

Structure contains three members,
  1. len, which represents the number of keys stored in the struct.
  2. key_array that holds the keys themselves and
  3. flags, that is a "bytemap" used to convey information about the keys.

Generated on Tue Aug 24 17:01:42 2004 for libmac by doxygen 1.3.8