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mac_params_flags Struct Reference

Structure, to implement what the application wants to do (set/get/append/receive), with regards to the parameters, using flag variables. More...

#include <libmac.h>

Data Fields

unsigned char set_flag [((MAX_NO_PARAMS)/(CHAR_BIT))]
 a variable that indicates whether the driver is requested to operate at the parameter value, corresponding to a particular bit entry.
unsigned char get_flag [((MAX_NO_PARAMS)/(CHAR_BIT))]
 a variable that indicates whether the driver is requested to return the parameter value, corresponding to a particular bit entry.
unsigned char append_flag [((MAX_NO_PARAMS)/(CHAR_BIT))]
 a variable that indicates whether the driver is requested to append the parameter <key, value> pair, corresponding to a particular bit entry.
unsigned char change_flag [((MAX_NO_PARAMS)/(CHAR_BIT))]
 a variable that indicates whether the parameter value, corresponding to a particular bit entry, changed from the last time this parameter was accessed.
unsigned char include_flag [((MAX_NO_PARAMS)/(CHAR_BIT))]
 a variable that indicates whether the parameter <key, value> pair, corresponding to a particular bit entry, was included in the last frame received.
float lib_version
 floating point variable that stores version information.

Detailed Description

Members of this structure include:
  1. 5 flag variables that are arrays with bits corresponding to each parameter and
  2. a floating-point version number field for forward compatibility.

The interpretation of the flag bit is different for each variable.

  1. For the set_flag variable, if the bit is set, then the driver is requested to operate at the parameter's value, corresponding to this bit.
  2. For the get_flag variable, if the bit is set, then the driver is requested to return the parameter's value, corresponding to this bit.
  3. For the append_flag variable, if the bit is set, then the driver is requested to append parameter's <key, value> pair, corresponding to this bit, to each outgoing and/or incoming frame.
  4. For the change_flag variable, if the bit is set, the parameter's value, corresponding to this bit, changed from the last time this entry was accessed.
  5. For the include_flag variable, if the bit is set, then the parameter's <key, value> pair, corresponding to this bit, was appended in the last frame received.

All the flag variables are initialized to -1. The version number field is initialized to the current version number of this library.

Generated on Tue Aug 24 17:01:42 2004 for libmac by doxygen 1.3.8