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mac_ifinfo_list Struct Reference

Linked list containing structures, as members, for existing interfaces. More...

#include <libmac.h>

Data Fields

char if_name [IFNAME+1]
 Char array used to store interface name.
char ip_addr [IPSIZE+1]
 Char array used to store IP address of interface.
u_char hw_addr [MACSIZE+1]
 Unsigned char array used to store MAC address of interface.
char mac_flag
 Boolean flag variable that is used to store information on whether an interface is wireless or not.
libnet_t * link_struct
 This struct is filled in when an interface is opened by the libnet library. It is used, subsequently, by the libnet function that "writes" the packet to the link layer.
pcap_t * pcap_descr
 Packet capture descriptor returned when the libpcap library opens an interface. It is used, subsequently, by the libpcap function that "reads" a packet from the link layer.
unsigned char num_supported_params
 Number of supported parameters.
unsigned char supported_params [((MAX_NO_PARAMS)/(CHAR_BIT))]
 256-bit bitmap for supported params. If the bit corresponding to a parameter is 1, then it is supported. If it is 0, it is not supported.
unsigned char mode_params [((MAX_NO_PARAMS)/(CHAR_BIT))]
 256-bit bitmap that tells us whether the supported params are read-only or read-write. If the bit corresponding to a parameter is 1, then it is read-write. If it is 0, it is read-only.
unsigned char append_params_incmg [((MAX_NO_PARAMS)/(CHAR_BIT))]
 256-bit bitmap that tells us which params are appended on incoming frames. If the bit corresponding to a parameter is 1, then it is appended. If it is 0, it is not.
unsigned char append_params_outgng [((MAX_NO_PARAMS)/(CHAR_BIT))]
 256-bit bitmap that tells us which params are appended on outgng frames. If the bit corresponding to a parameter is 1, then it is appended. If it is 0, it is not.
mac_recv_frame_info frame_info
 Struct used to communicate between pcap_loop and its callback function.
mac_promisc_recv_frame_info promisc_frame_info
 Struct used to communicate between pcap_loop and its callback function in monitor mode.
 Pointer to the next member defining another interface if it is present.

Detailed Description

This linked list of structures is filled in, before frames are sent/received, by the mac_get_ifinfo function.


Generated on Tue Aug 24 17:01:42 2004 for libmac by doxygen 1.3.8