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UNIX User Guide

Command Usage Q&A

Go back to previous directory: cd -
Display only directories with ls: ls -d */
How to save and exit emacs? Ctrl-X and Ctrl-C
How to use tar? for extracting files? tar -xvf for compress files: tar -cvf
How to handle .gz file? gzip or gunzip
Use ping with address IP resolution: ping -sR cell
How to check disk usage? df
Quota for a user: du -sk  This will show the usage for this user in kilobytes.
How to print from xpdf? click print button, then "lpr -Plpco"
How to set file access control list? setfacl -s user:pkamat:rw-,user::rw-,group::---,other:---,m:rwx spwbde.pdf Also applied for the directory.
how to batch rename files? Use shell or perl program for file in *.htm ; do mv $file `echo $file | sed 's/\(.*\.\)htm/\1html/'` ; done # change .htm files to .html

Wrong LineFeed! DOS to UNIX text file format conversion

Use "dos2unix" command
open with vi, :set ff=unix , or set ff=mac, then save it
col -bx <file1 >file2

g++ and gcc

When I encounter some problems with gcc compile source code, probably cannot recognize finction as "sin" cos",
I use g++ to compile:
$g++ source1.c source2.c -o source

Plot with gnuplot

It is a tool to plot figures and curves , instead of MATLAB.
the two commands for print it:
gnuplot>set output ""
gnuplot>set term post

other options
gnuplot> set multiplot
gnuplot> set nomultiplot
gnuplt> clear
gnuplot > set xrange [20:50]

Use Daily Cron Job

crontab -e to add some entry
crontab -l to list all jobs
file /etc/crontab
Or put something in /etc/cron.daily directory


Using AWK is more easy than perl to process TEXT file see
awk '$5 ~ /^1$/ { print ($3,$4,$5) >> "new_adj"}' scen_god

First, the $5 is a text separate default by space. It is mean the fifth element of each line
~ means match
^ means beginning with $ means end with ($3,$4,$5) is actually printed in the file separated with space, not comma
new_adj is the output file
scen_god is the input file

How to open XWindows application in another terminal?

In Linux or Unix, use "ssh -X" in your ssh process.
In Windows, use Exceed, then type
$xterm -display is the IP address of the computer (not a NAT) which can be resolved by remote host.

How to handle "_" character in Regular expressions

_ is not special. But if it is combined with a variable like $aa_, PERL will interpret as a new variable $aa_, rather than $aa + '_'. So the correct way to put it in is:  ($aa)_.

For example, if $line ~= /^_($aa)_$/

Advanced Shell Tools

So what can you do with Regular Expressions? Lots! I don't have the time to go into each utility in detail right now, but all of these use regular expressions. Check their man pages for more detail on actual usage:

Command and Description
awk Pattern Scanning & Processing Language
cut Select columns from stdin
diff Compare & Select differences in 2 files
grep Search every line of a file for an occurance of a regular expression.
head Gives first few lines of specified file.
line Read in the first line of stdin
sed Edit streams of data
tail Select last few lines of a file (like head)
uniq Select unique lines & rows.
wc Count words, characters, & lines in a file.

Set up SSH passphrase between two machines

Basically, for a Public Key Encryption system to work.
Both two sides have to store the public key of each other.
Here, we have server and terminal:
Server store public key of client in $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
Clietn store public key of server in $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts

Attention: Each key is only one line ( one very long line) in the file.

Generally, client could trust the server if it like. So, Once this occurs:

Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that the DSA host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the DSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts:3
DSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.

There could be solved by easily removed the offending line in known_hosts file.

It's important to know that there are essentially two versions of SSH out in the wild. On most GNU/Linux systems the OpenSSH implementation is installed which (these days) defaults to SSH protocol 2. On Windows SSH Shell, the commercial version of SSH is installed (also using protocol 2).

  • Client OpenSSH, Server: OpenSSH
    1. use  ssh-keygen -t rsa   to generate a id.rsa file
    2. copy the content of into server's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
    3. if thte filename is not id_rsa, it can be any name , such as "wzb" and ""
    4. copy the content of into server's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, appended as one line.
    5. use ssh -i wzb  , it will prompt for the passphrase of identity file named "wzb", however, if you rename the key pair files as "identity" and, thrn it will not need this -i option.
    6. use ssh-agent to avoid passphrase. Or you can try to use empty passphrase
    7. use ssh-add
  • Cleint: Windows SSH Shell: Server: OpenSSH
    Do following steps in client:
    1. start SSH shell, connect server with password
    2. menu-settings select key, generate keys.
    3. give name "userid" and comment, without pass-phrase (empty pass-phrase)
    4. upload keys to ".ssh" direcotory of the server
    5. go to home directory of server, cd .ssh
    6. run "ssh-keygen -X -f >>authorized_keys" or "ssh-keygen -i -f >>authorized_keys"
    7. In client, disconnect and connect again. You don't need to type password anymore.

    The above method works in liman server.


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Last Updated in April, 2007 Zhibin Wu. ©All rights reserved.