9/2002 – present Rutgers University, NJ 08854, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Ph. D. (Expected date: 10/07) GPA 4.0
Dissertation Title: Architecture and Algorithms for Interference-free mesh networks
9/1997 – 6/2000 Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072, P.R.China, Dept of Electrical Engineering, M. Eng. GPA 3.7
Thesis: Image Segmentation and Shape Description in Machine Vision
9/1993 – 6/1997 Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072, P.R.China, Dept of Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E. GPA 3.7
Research Interests
MAC & Routing Protocols in Ad-hoc Network.
Cross-layer Optimization and Designs for Wireless LAN and Multi-hop wireless Network.
Work Experience
Graduate Research Assistant, WINLAB, Rutgers University, 2002-2007
Teaching Assistant for Course "Communication Network II". Rutgers Unviersity, Spring 2006 & Spring 2007
Member of Technical Staff, Bell Labs China, Lucent Technologies, Beijing, China. 2000 – 2002
Research Assistant, Multimedia Networking Lab. Wuhan University, China, 1997-2000
Internship, Beijing Junhong Electronics, Co. Ltd. , Summer 1999
Internship, National Institute of Earthquake, China Academy of Science, Wuhan, Summer 1997
Publications (2004-present)
Wu, Sachin Ganu and D. Raychaudhuri, "IRMA: Integrated routing and MAC
scheduling in multihop wireless mesh networks", in Proceedings of the
Second IEEE Workshop on Wireless Mesh Networks, WiMesh 2006, Reston VA,
Sept 2006.
Wu, Sachin Ganu, Ivan Seskar and Dipankar Raychaudhuri, "Experimental
Investigation of PHY Layer Rate Control and Frequency Selection in
802.11-based Ad-Hoc Networks", in Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Workshops,
August, 2005.
Zhao, Zhibin Wu, Arup. Acharya and Dipankar. Raychaudhuri, "PARMA: A
PHY/MAC Aware Routing Metric for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks with
Multi-Rate Radios", in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on a
World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2005), June
Wu, Dipankar Raychaudhuri, "D-LSMA: Distributed Link Scheduling
Multiple Access Protocol for QoS in Ad-hoc Networks", in Proceedings of
IEEE GLOBECOM '04, November 2004.
Other Publications
Yu Zhang, S.Chen, Zhibin Wu, "A New Adaptive Method to Segment Images”. Computer Engineering. May 2002
Zhibin Wu, Dong Zheng, Shuzhen Chen, "Next Generation Network: IP Based
Broadband Infrastructures”. Wuhan University Journal of Natural
Science. Vol.5 No.2 pp.207-209, 2000
Chen, Dong Zheng, Zhibin Wu, et. al. "Lens Calibration Without
Pre-Designated Distortion Model and Corresponding Points", Wuhan
University Journal of Natural Science. Vol.5 No.1 pp.63-66, 2000
Wu, Shuzhen Chen, et.al. “Principle & Realization of
Zero-phase Filter”. Hydraulic and Electric Engineering Express.
Vol.20. Extra Issue pp. 59-62, 1999
Sun, Shuzhen Chen, Zhibin Wu, Yaping Chai, “Optimal Methods in
Image Reconstruction”. Journal of Image and Graphics.
Vol.4[A],No.2 pp.105-109, 1999
Wu, Shuzhen Chen, “Retrospective Algorithm and Intelligent
Curriculum Arrangement”. Computer Engineering. Vol.25 No.3 pp.
79-80, 1999
Honors and Awards
Zhibin Wu
2001 Bell Laboratories President’s Gold Award
2000 Graduated with honors and Master degree in Wuhan University
1999 Honored as "Outstanding Graduate Student" in Wuhan University, recipient of "Mr. Shao Yizhou Memorial Scholarship"
1997 Graduated with honors and Bachelor degree in Wuhan University
1996 Recipient of "Huikai Scholarship" in Wuhan University
1994 & 1995 Recipient of "Scholarship of People's" in Wuhan UniversityIEEE
member since 2002
Zhibin Wu
Engineer Certificate by Ministry of Information Industry, China
Zhibin Wu
D-LSMA for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, Patent discosure filed in 2003
Professional Activities
Zhibin Wu
member since 2002
of following journals: ACM Mobile Networks & Applications
Journal, IEEE Communication Letters, IEEE transaction on Vehicular
Technology, Ad hoc Networks, Wireless Communications & Mobile
Computing Journal
of following conferences: Infocom’04, Mobicom’05, WCNC’05,
WCNC’06, MASS’04, CCNC’06, ICDCS’06, Globecom’05,
TridentCom’05 and IPOM’04