The Final Output of boss_install Script
boss# ./boss-install
***** Please run install-ops on ops, and reboot it, before running
this script!
WARNING: This script is ONLY intended to be run on a machine
that is being set up as a dedicated boss node. Continue? [y/N] y
Creating groups
| Creating tbadmin group [ Skipped ]
| Creating root group [ Skipped ]
+-----------------------------------------------> [ Skipped ]
Setting directory permissions
| /usr/testbed [ Skipped ]
+-----------------------------------------------> [ Skipped ]
Setting up directories for tftp
| Creating /usr/testbed/tftpboot [ Skipped ]
| Linking /tftpboot [ Skipped ]
+-----------------------------------------------> [ Skipped ]
Installing ports
| Copying ports into place [ Skipped ]
| Checking for port installation [ Skipped ]
+-----------------------------------------------> [ Skipped ]
Applying patches
| Patching g++'s STL [ Succeeded ]
+-----------------------------------------------> [ Succeeded ]
Installing cracklib [ Succeeded ]
Installing apache config file [ Succeeded ]
Setting up rc.d scripts
| Moving /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ [ Skipped ]
| Removing /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ [ Succeeded ]
| Moving /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ [ Succeeded ]
| Removing snmpd starup script [ Skipped ]
| Installing testbed RC scripts [ Succeeded ]
+-----------------------------------------------> [ Succeeded ]
Setting up syslog
| Editing /etc/syslog.conf Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 278, <SC> chunk 30.
Use of uninitialized value at ./boss-install line 286, <SC> chunk 30.
[ Succeeded ]
| Creating log directory [ Succeeded ]
| Creating mysql log directory [ Succeeded ]
| Creating log files
| | /usr/testbed/log/bootinfo.log [ Succeeded ]
| | /usr/testbed/log/tmcd.log [ Succeeded ]
| | /usr/testbed/log/capture.log [ Succeeded ]
| | /usr/testbed/log/dhcpd.log [ Succeeded ]
| | /usr/testbed/log/capserver.log [ Succeeded ]
| | /usr/testbed/log/frisbeed.log [ Succeeded ]
| | /usr/testbed/log/tevd.log [ Succeeded ]
| | /usr/testbed/log/proxydhcp.log [ Succeeded ]
| | /usr/testbed/log/elvind.log [ Succeeded ]
| | /usr/testbed/log/stated.log [ Succeeded ]
| | /usr/testbed/log/osselect.log [ Succeeded ]
| | /usr/testbed/log/tftpd.log [ Succeeded ]
| | /usr/testbed/log/sdcollectd.log [ Succeeded ]
| +---------------------------------------------> [ Succeeded ]
| Setting up /etc/newsyslog.conf [ Succeeded ]
+-----------------------------------------------> [ Succeeded ]
Setting up database
| Starting mysql [ Succeeded ]
| Creating tbdb [ Succeeded ]
| Creating tables in tbdb [ Succeeded ]
| Filling tables with initial data [ Succeeded ]
| Setting sitevars to default values [ Succeeded ]
+-----------------------------------------------> [ Succeeded ]
Adding testbed content to /etc/rc.conf [ Succeeded ]
Setting the suid bit on /usr/bin/suidperl [ Succeeded ]
Creating mountpoints
| /usr/testbed/usersvar [ Succeeded ]
| /usr/testbed/opsdir [ Succeeded ]
| /users [ Succeeded ]
| /proj [ Succeeded ]
| /groups [ Succeeded ]
| /share [ Succeeded ]
+-----------------------------------------------> [ Succeeded ]
Checking to make sure names for ops resolve
| [ Skipped ]
| [ Skipped ]
+-----------------------------------------------> [ Skipped ]
Setting up mounts of fs and ops [ Succeeded ]
Fetching Cisco MIBs
| Fetching CISCO-SMI [ Succeeded ]
| Fetching CISCO-TC [ Succeeded ]
| Fetching CISCO-VTP-MIB [ Succeeded ]
| Fetching CISCO-PAGP-MIB [ Succeeded ]
| Fetching CISCO-PRIVATE-VLAN-MIB [ Succeeded ]
| Fetching CISCO-STACK-MIB [ Succeeded ]
| Fetching CISCO-VLAN-MEMBERSHIP-MIB [ Succeeded ]
+-----------------------------------------------> [ Succeeded ]
Adding cron jobs
| Editing /etc/crontab [ Succeeded ]
| HUPing cron [ Succeeded ]
+-----------------------------------------------> [ Succeeded ]
Editing /usr/local/etc/sudoers [ Succeeded ]
Creating php.ini file [ Succeeded ]
Setting up root ssh from boss to ops
| Creating root private key [ Succeeded ]
| Editing ssh config file [ Succeeded ]
+-----------------------------------------------> [ Succeeded ]
Setting up rndc for control of nameserver [ Succeeded ]
Installation completed succesfully!
Please reboot this machine before proceeding with boss setup
You'll need to manually copy boss's public SSH key over to ops,
so boss can get into ops without a password. Run the following
as root:
scp /root/.ssh/ ops:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys