Student-summer-talks for
Research skills


GNUradio tutorial, Rob Miller & James Sugrim, April 29, 2009
Progamming smartphones, Sneha Gopinath, June 1, 2009
GNUradio Python tutorial, KC Huang, June 9, 2009
Experimenting wite the PIP radio platform, Ben Firner, June 16, 2009
Random Tips/Tricks for Linux Users, Mesut Ali Ergin, June 30, 2009
Introduction to Data Mining, Prof. Hui Xiong, July 28, 2009

WISER is a series of short (20 min) tutorial-style talks planned for summer 2009, given by WINLAB students and for the benefit of other WINLAB students. The talks will be of any topic that can be of use to others in their research, for e.g. machine-learning, or a set of linux tricks. The idea is to utilize our individual areas of expertise and exchange knowledge so we can better our research output - while having fun doing it! The talks will be short, concise and focussed on teaching or introducing a topic rather than describing one's own research in detail. We could even record the talks and put them up on a WINLAB YouTube channel.

Some of the ways one might benefit from these tutorials are:

1. Learning about a new tool that could be utilized in addressing one's research problem.

2. Learning just enough about a topic to decide whether one should take a full course on it.

3. Clearing up misunderstood terms or terminology about a topic that is not directly related to one's research.

4. Finding opportunities for collaborative research.

5. Generally improving one's general knowledge in an area different from one's research topic (theory people could pick up systems skills and systems people could learn some theory)