Ivan Seskar

is the Chief Technologist at WINLAB, Rutgers University responsible for experimental systems and prototyping projects. He is currently the program director for the COSMOS project responsible for the New York City NSF PAWR deployment, the PI for the NSF GENI Wireless project, which resulted in campus deployments of LTE/WiMAX base stations at several US universities, and the PI for the NSF CloudLab deployment at Rutgers. He has also been the co-PI and project manager for all three phases of the NSF-supported ORBIT mid-scale testbed project at WINLAB, successfully leading technology development and operations since the testbed was released as a community resource in 2005 and for which the team received the 2008 NSF Alexander Schwarzkopf Prize for Technological Innovation. Ivan is a co-chair of the IEEE Future Networks Testbed Working Group, a Senior Member of the IEEE, a member of ACM and the co-founder and CTO of Upside Wireless Inc.
WINLAB, Rutgers University
671 Rt. 1 South
North Brunswick NJ, 08902
Tel: +1 (848) 932-0944
Fax: +1 (732) 932-6882
Email: seskar (at) winlab . rutgers . edu
Technical links:
- Publications (Google Schoolar List)
- ORBIT and COSMOS Testbeds - my favorite "research toys".
And some non-technical stuff:
To prospective students: admission process is handled by the committee that will take into consideration only applications that are properly received by the Graduate School; the decisions are based on traditional indicators of academic achievement (grades, GRE scores, etc.), publications and recommendation letters. Unfortunately, the shear number of emails we receive asking about WINLAB graduate program and GA/RA positions makes it impossible to reply to personally; Please direct all such inquires to "gradadm (at) rci . rutgers . edu".