- Routing and Cross Layer Considerations in Wireless Mesh Networks, WINLAB Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, Fall 2006 (Slides)
- The 802.11 Alphabet Soup, WINLAB Student Seminar, Fall 2005 (Slides)
- I See You: Infrastructure Based Monitoring and Location Estimation in Enterprise Wireless Networks, Show and Tell, Summer Work Review, Avaya Research Labs, Summer 03
- Methods for restoring MAC layer fairness in 802.11 networks with Physical Layer Capture, ACM REALMAN Workshop, cohosted with ACM Mobihoc 2006, Florence (Slides)
- Integrating short-range ad-hoc radio technologies into Next Generation Wireless Networks, Proceedings of the International Conference and Symposium on Communications and Computing (ICCC), Kanpur, India, 2005 (Slides)
- Architecture and Prototyping of an 802.11 Based Self Organizing Hierarchical Ad-hoc Wireless Network (SOHAN), PIMRC 2004, Barcelona (Slides)
- Beacon-Assisted Discovery (BEAD) Protocol for Self-Organizing Hierarchical Ad-hoc Wireless Network, Globecom 2004, Dallas (Slides)
- Addressing Repeatability in Wireless Experiments using the ORBIT Testbed, IEEE Tridentcom 2005, Trento, Italy (Slides)
- Architecture and Framework for Supporting Open Access Multi-User Wireless Experimentation, IEEE COMSWARE, New Delhi, India. Jan 2006 (Slides)