Rutgers University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Principles of EE II (332:222)
World Wide Web Homepage


You should know both chapters 7 and 8; the solution of first and second order differential equations with constant inputs and their application to circuits. Given a circuit, you also need to know how to write the differential equations and find the charcteristic equation.


Miscellaneous Documents (Postscript or Adobe PDF)

Teaching Assistants

For questions about the course, please see the TA or professor whose hours are most convenient for you

For questions about the lab, please see the TA for your section.

Supplemental Instruction

The Learning Resource Center provides supplemental instruction (SI) for this course. The SI leader is Melissa Hornstein who can be reached at The SI hours are

Dates to Remember

Homework Collection

The course instructors reserve the right to randomly collect a subset of the assigned problems for grading. The first assignment that will be collected is

We may or may not collect more problems from Chapters 15 and 16 at a later date. Typically, we will try to announce which problems will be collected a week before they are due. However, we encourage students to try to solve every problem.

Homework Problems

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If you have questions, comments or other suggestions please email your comments to