Ritabrata Roy

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ECE 559

ECE 545

ECE 543

ECE 541: 1

ECE 541: 2

ECE 253

ECE 249


ECE 559: Spectrum Management and Wireless Systems
(Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
"Optimal Signature Sets for Transmission of Correlated Data over a Multiple Access Channel"

ECE 545: Communication Theory
(Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
"Performance Analysis of Downlink Power Control in CDMA Systems"

ECE 543: Communication Networks I
(Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
"Traffic and QoS Performance of an Infrastructure CSMA/CA Network With Multiple Service Classes"

ECE 541:1: Stochastic Signals and Systems
(Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
"Comparison of Different Techniques to Generate Normal Random Variables"

ECE 541:2: Stochastic Signals and Systems
(Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
"Performance of Hypothesis Testing in a Communication System"

ECE 253: Mobile Communication Systems
(The George Washington University)
"Introduction to Ad-Hoc Network Routing Algorithms"

ECE 249: Computer Networks II
(The George Washington University)
"Maximum System Lifetime Routing in Ad-Hoc Networks: A Critical Study"


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