The BlueSky Road map
Jan 98 
We looked around in the market and did not find any satisfactory solution for connecting handheld devices to the network over  wireless links.
Feb 98 
The concept of BlueSky, a low cost, low power, wireless solution was born. 
March 98 
The designers of the cordless computer connection provided us a digital radio link. We connected that link to the processor  board and built our first prototype of the BlueSky wireless attachment.
May 98  
The first BlueSky handheld prototype ready.
June - Aug 98 
MAC protocol implemented. This allowed multiple remote units to share the same access point.
Sept 98 
The first demo of  "controlling a slide presentation" using a wireless Workpad. 
We are planning to replace the processor board with a micro controller. After this step, we'll achieve this form factor.
Hopefully, the world will be a better place to live. 

This page is maintained by Pravin Bhagwat. Please send you feedback to