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Mesut Ali Ergin

mysurname at winlab dot rutgers dot edu

Academic Experience

Discounting the years that I have been around Bogazici University graduate school as a student, I worked as a teaching assistant and research assistant at the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Yeditepe University, Turkey for four years. Following this, I have been working as a graduate assistant with no teaching-related duties at WINLAB, Rutgers University, USA for the last couple of years. I compiled the following list (not exhaustive) to give you an idea as to how scholastic circles engaged me over those years.

Research Experience

(Rutgers University) Research Assistant for ORBIT Wireless Research Testbed project supported through NSF NRT grant ANI0335244
(Rutgers University) Research Assistant for Geometric Stack for Location-Aware Networking Project under NSF FIND Program CNS-0627032
- (Rutgers University) Contributor to various WINLAB Sponsorship Projects, such as for Panasonic PSDU, Intel Corp., and Toyota ITC.
(Yeditepe University) Research Assistant for SeMA project supported through TUBITAK grants 101E037/EEEAG-AY 41 and 101E037/EEEAG-AY-44
- Reviewer for IEEE VTC 2008, ICCCN 2007, IEEE WoWMoM 2007, IEEE VTC 2007, IEEE GLOBECOM 2005, IEEE WCNC 2005EWSN 2005, IEEE ISCC 2004, IEEE GLOBECOM 2003, IEEE ICC 2003, IEEE ICON 2003, Computer Communications (Elsevier).

Teaching Experience (Yeditepe University)

- Data Communication and Computer Networks: Assistant of Prof. Sebnem Baydere, Prof. Bulent Sankur and Assoc. Prof. Erdal Cayirci. Developed and maintained laboratory content for nine semesters.

- Special Topics in Computer Networks: Assistant of Prof. Murat Tayli and Assoc. Prof. Erdal Cayirci. Prepared PS sessions and organized term projects on high speed and wireless networks topics for two semesters.

- Operating Systems Design: Assistant of Prof. Sebnem Baydere. Taught practical aspects of UNIX-like OS from the viewpoint of a systems programmer and OS designer for eight semesters.

- Principles of Logic Design: Assistant of Assist. Prof. Esin Onbasioglu. Conducted hands-on experiments of basic logic circuitry for one semester.

- Systems Programming and Assembly Language: Assistant of Assist. Prof. Esin Onbasioglu. Developed and conducted hands-on experiments on MC6802-based microprocessor kits for one semester.

- Introduction to Computers: Taught with U. M. Ergenc and A. Alkan as the first course of CS juniors (on computers) for two semesters

Take a look at my publications and the projects I have been involved in, if you would like to read more about the details of the work I do.

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