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Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Handbook


On behalf of the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering, I extend a warm greeting to all students who are considering a major in Electrical Engineering. This booklet provides important information about the academic programs available within the department. I encourage you to follow up your reading of this material through discussions with department faculty and students: we are eager to provide any additional information you may need concerning departmental programs and facilities. Additional information can also be found on the department's web page:

In the pages that follow, you will find the EE Department course requirements and outlines of some typical academic programs pursued by students within the department. The Department cannot be described with a few facts and figures. It encompasses a vast range of topics and activities reflecting the diverse nature of the field and the interests of the students and faculty. The titles of some of our recent Independent Work projects and the faculty suggestions for Independent Work provide some perspective on department activities. Department majors can pursue their studies well beyond the boundaries of classrooms and laboratories. Arrangements have been made for students to spend time on off-campus research activities and summer jobs have provided many students with opportunities for first-hand experience with engineering design and analysis projects.

A variety of career paths are available to an Electrical Engineering graduate. There is high demand for knowledgeable electrical engineering graduates in the fields of computer engineering; electronics and integrated circuits; optoelectronic engineering and optical communications; and telecommunications, signal processing, and control systems. Recent graduates have found that an electrical engineering background also forms a valuable basis for a career in business, finance, government, law, or medicine.

Special certificate-granting programs, such as Engineering Physics, Engineering and Management Systems, Engineering Biology, Materials Science and Engineering, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Environmental Studies, and Woodrow Wilson School Policy Studies may be pursued in parallel with one of the departmental areas of concentration through appropriate course selections. Programs of preparation for professional study in medicine and law may also be arranged.

If you are considering EE as a major I encourage you to visit the department's facilities and to meet with the faculty and students. We will be happy to discuss your interests and career plans with you, to answer questions about our academic programs, and to help you design a course of study that best meets your individual interests.

How do you sign up to be an EE Major? Every prospective EE student should see me first for some general discussions about departmental programs and procedures, and for selection of a faculty advisor. After our meeting you will meet with the program advisor who will take responsibility for signing your course cards.

Paul Prucnal
Departmental Representative
B-314 Engineering Quadrangle


1.1 General Information

The Department of Electrical Engineering (EE) offers an academic program of study spanning a wide range of disciplines. The program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). Although all EE students begin with a unifying foundation, the areas of specialization available to a student range from information theory to computers and microprocessors to solid state and opto-electronics. Students may select one of a long list of pre-defined concentrations, or tailor their own, in consultation with their faculty advisor, to suit special interests.

Students enter the department with a variety of possible career objectives in mind. Some intend to enter industry directly, others to continue their technical studies in graduate school. Many wish to take an EE program as a background for careers in other fields ranging from business or law to medicine. Some are not sure of their future plans. Consequently, students are exposed to a wide cross-section of EE before deciding on an area of concentration. Further, sufficient flexibility is available in planning an undergraduate program to achieve any of the varied interests and objectives students may have. Thus, for example, a student may combine EE with studies in biology, computer science, physics, materials science and engineering, engineering and management systems, environmental studies, economics and public policy, and several other fields.

The field of Electrical Engineering encompasses a broad range of topics and activities. For example, the discipline covers the design and analysis of music and video processing systems (e.g. a CD player); the transmission of information (e.g. cellular telephones and wireless communication); the design and analysis of microprocessors and computers (e.g. the INTEL Pentium chip); and the theory and design of lasers, transistors, and the fabrication very small scale structures (e.g. optical fiber transmission systems and fast electronics for satellite TV).

The course structure for EE majors consists of two tiers: (i) a set of basic required courses in the sophomore and junior years and (ii) a set of electives, taken in the junior and senior years. The elective courses offered by the department span a wide range of topics, and the framework for choosing them follows closely the basic structure displayed on the following page. Emanating from four main traditional disciplines that constitute Electrical Engineering -- (a) Communications, Signal; Processing and Control; (b) Computer Engineering; (c) Optical Engineering and (d) Solid State Electronics; are areas of specialization which reflect the diversity within modern day Electrical Engineering. Some of these areas (e.g. Information and Systems, Solid State Physics or Computer Architecture) fall mainly within a single traditional discipline. Others, especially those in emerging applications, cut across traditional boundaries and draw from more than one discipline. The course structure has been designed to accommodate both kinds of interests. (See the prerequisite tree in Section 3.) Finally, interdisciplinary programs offered at Princeton, taken by some EE students in conjunction with their major, are shown at the periphery.

Broadly speaking, every student in EE will have taken a set of six basic EE courses by graduation, in addition to elective courses in at least two of the traditional disciplines to satisfy the breadth requirement (Section 2.8), as well as a set of three or more courses in one of the areas of specialization to satisfy the concentration requirement (Section 2.9). For a description of the four traditional disciplines, see Section 2.8.

The World of EE

1.2 Prerequisites

The normal prerequisite for entering the EE Department in the sophomore year is a freshman program that includes the required program for all students in the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) i.e., Physics 103-104 or 105-106, Mathematics 203-204 (or 201-202), and an introductory computer science course, or their equivalent. A student considering transferring into the department at the beginning of the junior year would normally be expected to have in addition, at least two of the sophomore EE courses. The Departmental Representative should be consulted concerning eligibility for transfer in special cases.

1.3 Faculty Advisors

The EE Departmental Representative is the nominal faculty advisor for all sophomore and upperclass students in the department. In addition, a faculty program advisor is assigned, providing the student with the opportunity to consult in more detail concerning both academic program matters and career advice. Students see their program advisors each semester to review their progress towards graduation and to have their course cards signed. Subsequent changes should be discussed with the program advisor whose signature is required on the course change forms prior to their submission to the Registrar. All seniors should discuss any course changes with the Departmental Representative also and obtain his signature on the course change forms. The program advisors for the various classes are as follows:

Class Program Advisors:

2003: S. Chou (B412), N. Jha (B220), H. Kobayashi (B323), P. Prucnal (B314), S. Verdu (B308)

2004: R. Bhatt (B424), S-Y Kung (B230), B. Liu (B330), E. Narimanov (B324)

2005:  S. Malik (B224), L. Peh (B228), S. Schwartz (B317), R. Weiss (B312), S. Wagner (B422)

1.4 Certificate and Special Programs

In addition to your program advisor, various EE faculty serve as coordinating faculty for special undergraduate programs offered by the university. Some of these programs offer certificates. If you enroll (or wish to enroll) in any of these programs, you may find it helpful to consult the appropriate faculty for help in planning your curriculum.

    Certificate Program:Coordinating FacultyOffice
    Engineering Biology:B. DickinsonB322
    Engineering and Management Systems:V. PoorB316
    Engineering Physics:A. Kahn
    S. Lyon
    Materials Science and Engineering:A. KahnB420
    Woodrow Wilson Certificate:B. DickinsonB322
    Environmental Studies:S. WagnerB422
    Robotics and Intelligent Systems:B. Dickinson
    S. Kulkarni
    P. Ramadge
    Applications of ComputingB. Dickinson
    S. Malik
    Applied and Computational MathematicsS. VerduB308

1.5 Outline of EE Program Requirements

All candidates for the B.S.E. degree are required to satisfy the University and SEAS requirements. As part of this, students are advised to take an introductory computing course during the freshman year.

The course structure for EE majors consists of two tiers:

  1. A set of basic required courses in the sophomore and junior years (Foundations and core, below). These are intended to provide a unifying foundation.
  2. A set of electives, taken in the junior and senior years. These are used to satisfy: depth in at least one area, a reasonable degree of breadth to produce a sound basis for future development, a strong design component, an engineering science component, and an oral presentation.

The specific plan of study is determined in consultation with the student's academic advisor, taking into account ABET program guidelines. All such plans must include the following:

  • Foundations: Electrical Engineering 201, 203, 206, 208 (Section 2.4)

  • Core: Electrical Engineering 301 and 302 (Section 2.5)

  • Upperclass Mathematics: At least one upper class mathematics course. This course may not be counted towards the concentration requirement. (Section 2.6)

  • Concentration: Three courses in a chosen concentration. (Section 2.9)

  • Breadth: One course in each of two general areas of Electrical Engineering. Only one of these two courses may be counted for the Concentration Requirement. (Section 2.8)

  • Engineering Science: At least one engineering science course outside the EE department. (This course cannot be used to satisfy the concentration or the breadth requirement.) (Section 2.7)

  • Design: At least one upper class EE course with substantial design content beyond ELE 302. (This may be satisfied with independent work having a substantial design content.) (Section 2.10)

  • Balance: At least two upper class technical courses in each semester of the junior and senior years. (These may or may not be in EE.)

  • Completeness: At least eight upper class "departmental" courses. (Section 2.11)

  • Oral Presentation: An oral presentation to an audience based on classwork or independent work. (Section 2.12)

1.6 Example Program

A basic program for a student is outlined below:

No Advanced Placement in Math/Physics/Chemistry
Freshman Year
Math 103Math 104
Physics 103Physics 104
Chemistry 203COS 126*
Sophomore Year
Math 203(201)Math 204(202)
ELE 201ELE 206
ELE 203ELE 208
Junior Year
ELE 301ELE 302
Upper Level MathTech. Elective**
Senior Year
With One Semester of Advanced Placement in Math
Freshman Year
Math 104Math 203
Physics 103Physics 104
Chemistry 203COS 126*
Sophomore Year
Math 204Upper Level Math
ELE 201ELE 206
ELE 203ELE 208
Junior Year
ELE 301ELE 302
Tech. Elective**Tech. Elective
Senior Year

* An introductory computer programming course is recommended in either the freshman or sophomore years, preferably in the freshman year. Other options besides COS 126 are ELE 101 and ORF 201.

** "Departmental" and "Technical Elective" are technical courses, normally either EE, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, other engineering courses, or courses that form part of a coherent pattern of study for students emphasizing special programs in areas such as engineering and management systems, or engineering biology (Consult the Departmental Representative for more detail). The courses labeled "Electives" may be Departmental or Technical Electives, or they may be Humanities or Social Science electives.


2.1 Course Count and P/D/F

The minimum number of courses required for the BSE degree is 36 for a 4-year program (or 28 for a 3-year program for a student granted advanced standing). This corresponds to four terms with four courses and four terms with five courses. Four of these courses may be taken on a P/D/F (PASS/D/FAIL) basis as per university guidelines. However, many types of courses including: all required courses, Engineering Science, Upperclass Math, Engineering Design, all departmentals, all concentration courses, both breadth courses, and independent work may not be taken P/D/F.

2.2 SEAS Requirements & EE Prerequisites

The prerequisites for sophomores entering EE are the same as the SEAS requirements, namely:

    Physics 103-4 (or 105-6),
    Mathematics 203-4 (or 201-2),
    One semester of Chemistry (201/203),
    A writing course, and
    A computing course (COS 126, ELE 101 or ORF 201)

2.3 Humanities Requirement

All students must complete a minimum of seven courses in the humanities and social sciences. B.S.E. students are required to take at least one course in four of the following six areas: epistemology and cognition, ethical thought and moral values, foreign language (at the 107/108 level or above), historical analysis, literature and the arts, and social analysis. ABET requires that the students achieve depth as well as breadth in the humanities and social sciences (H/SS). Students can satisfy this requirement by one of the following four options:

  1. Three nonlanguage courses in a single H/SS department or a single distributional area
  2. Two nonlanguage courses in a single H/SS department or a single distributional area, at least one of which is beyond the introductory level
  3. One course at the 300-400 level in a single H/SS department or distributional area
  4. Completion of the bachelor or arts (AB) foreign language requirement by taking one or more courses of language study

2.4 Foundations

All EE majors are required to take ELE 201, 203, 206 and 208. These courses form the foundation of the BSE in EE and are open to all qualified freshmen. This requirement is normally satisfied by the end of the sophomore year. In some instances, students with prior exposure to similar material may test out of one or more of these courses. In such cases, an upperlevel EE course in the same general area must be substituted for the course before graduation. The substituted course cannot be used to satisfy any other requirement.

2.5 Core

Two upperclass courses are required of all EE majors - ELE 301 and 302. This distribution is normally satisfied by the end of the junior year.

2.6 Upperclass Mathematics Requirement

One upperclass mathematics course is required of all EE majors. This may be:

    MAE 305/MAT 301
    MAE 306/MAT 302
    ORF 309/MAT 309
    COS 341
    MAT 305 or other 300 level or higher mathematics course

Many EE students satisfy this requirement in the sophomore year though there is no requirement to do so. The course selected to satisfy this requirement may not be counted towards the concentration requirement, the breadth requirement, or as a departmental. Additional upperclass mathematics courses may be used to satisfy concentration (Section 2.9) or breadth (Section 2.8) requirements, if listed in the appropriate section, or count as a departmental (Section 2.11).

2.7 Engineering Science

An engineering course with significant scientific component must be taken outside of EE to satisfy this requirement. Many courses can be used to satisfy this requirement. The following is a non-exhaustive list of possibilities. Note that a course largely comprising of a mathematics or applied mathematics component cannot be used to satisfy this requirement. The course used to satisfy the Engineering Science requirement cannot also be used to satisfy the concentration requirement or the breadth requirement, nor can it be counted as Departmental (see Departmental Section 2.11). If additional courses are taken from the list given below, they may be used for concentration or breadth or as departmental if applicable. Many students satisfy this requirement by their sophomore year. An equivalent or higher level course offered by SEAS may be substituted if approved by the advisor and Departmental Representative.

    COS: 217, 226, 309, 320, 333, 423, 425, 487
    CEE: 205, 303, 305, 471
    ChE: 245, 246, 341, 415, 445, 447
    MAE: 206 (or Phys 203/205), 221, 222, 319, 330, 433, 547
    ORF: 307, 311, 405, 406, 417
    MSE: 301, 302

2.8 Breadth Requirement

In order to satisfy the breadth requirement within EE, at least one course in two of the following general areas in EE must be taken (see description below and the prerequisite tree in Section 3.2). Only one of these two courses may be counted for the concentration requirement (see Areas of Concentration). The list below is indicative but not exhaustive.

  1. Communications, Signal Processing, and Control:
    ELE 382, 481, 482, 483, 485, 486, 488

    Note: ORF309 cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.

  2. Computer Engineering/Computer Science:
    ELE 318, 375, 462, 463, 465, 466, 475, 465, 466
    COS 319, 318, 320, 426, 441, 471, 598 

    Note: COS226 & COS 217, required for many upper level COS courses, do not satisfy breadth, but do satisfy the engineering science requirement. (See Section 2.7.)

  3. Solid State Electronics:
    ELE 341, 342, 401, 402, 441, 442
    PHY 208/305 - must take both PHY 208 and PHY 305 (counts as one)

  4. Optical Engineering:
    351, 352, 453, 454

(A) Communications, Signal Processing and Control emphasizes the fundamental principles used in the design and analysis of signal processing systems of various kinds, e.g. CD/DVD players, cellular phones, FM radio. The department offers a variety of courses in this area covering topics such as digital filtering and signal processing, digital image processing, communication networks, control feedback etc.

(B) Computer Engineering is concerned with theory and design of digital information processing systems, e.g. various forms of processors and application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) ubiquitous in our environments, and even biological computational systems. Courses covered in this area include computer and microprocessor organization and architecture, very large scale integrated circuit design, computer-aided design, testing and fault tolerance, and computer systems.

(C) Solid State Electronics is concerned with the operation and circuit properties of modern electronic devices, e.g. fast transistors, photo-cells, integrated circuits and displays. The courses offered in this area range from basic quantum mechanics to general solid state devices, digital and analog circuits and physics of electronic materials. Often this area is taken in conjunction with the Engineering Physics or the Materials Science and Engineering Certificate.

(D) Optical Engineering concerns light and its interaction with electronics, hence the area is often termed "photonics". This area deals with the design of lasers and optical fiber systems, optical devices, and laser based communication systems. The area emphasizes both the principles of optical processes in materials and devices, and optical communication systems. Courses include electromagnetic field theory, physical optics, optical electronics and light-wave communication.

2.9 Areas of Concentration

Each student must develop depth in a specific area of concentration in the department. This can be done by fulfilling the requirements of one of the pre-defined areas of concentration listed below, or by defining a new area in consultation with the program advisor. Areas of concentration span the four EE disciplines discussed in the previous section. Concentrations may also be interdisciplinary and include courses from other SEAS departments as well as from related fields such as physics, chemistry and biology. However, normally two of the three courses counted as fulfilling the concentration requirement will be EE courses or designated cognates.

For each area defined below, a student must take the courses in bold , then others from the list to total three or more. Graduate courses (500 level) are open to undergraduates with the consent of the instructor. (Titles of relevant graduate courses are listed at the end of the course list (see sect. 3.1).)

    Telecommunications and Networks: Basic concepts and principles of communication and communication networks. Wireless communications. ELE486; ORF309; ELE485; 525; 528; 531
    Information and Systems: Principles of communication systems, control systems, and digital signal processing. ORF309; two from ELE482, 483 or MAE433, 444, ELE485; 481; 486; 488; 521; 525; 527; 528
    Robotics and Control: Automatic control systems with applications to robotics and machine vision. ELE483 or MAE433 or MAE444; ORF309; ELE318; 481; 488; 521
    Signal and Image Processing: Digital processing of signals, e.g. speech, images, and video. ELE482; 488; 375; ORF309; ELE318; 462; 475; 481; 527
    Digital Video and Graphics: Principles of computer graphics, animation, and video processing. ELE488; COS 426; ELE481; COS 451
    Microelectronics and Integrated Circuits: Design and fabrication of Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits. ELE401 and/or 402; 462; 341; 441
    Electronic and Optoelectronic Materials: Science of materials related to microelectronics and opto-electronics. 342 (or PHY208 and 305*); at least one of MSE301, CHE422, CHM305, MAE324; 351; 341; 441; 541; 542; 549. (At least one of the concentration courses must be in EE)
    Solid State Devices: Electronic and opto-electronic devices. 341; 342 - highly recommended (or PHY208 and 305*); 351; 401 or 402 (count one of 401/402 only); 453; 441; 540; 544; 545; 549
    Solid State Physics: The physics of electrons in solids and of the interaction of solids with light. 342 (or PHY208 and 305*); 441; 442; 341; 351; 453; 544; 545; 546
    Optical Communications and Fiber Optics: Application of photonic technology to lightwave communication. 351; 453; 454; 380; 485; 352; 534
    Optical and Opto-electronic Engineering: The generation, transmission, control, detection, and applications of photons. 351; 341; 352; 453; 454; 544; 546; MAE547
    Computer Systems and Software: The integration of hardware and software in computers. 375; at least one of 318, 464, 475, 482, 572; one of COS318, COS320, COS425, COS426
    Computer Design: Structured design principles for computer-based systems. 375; 318; 402; 462; 463; 464; 465; 466; 475; 572, 580
    Computer Architecture: The principles of microprocessors and high-performance computers. 375; 475; 462; 465; 486; 572, 580
    Electronic Computer-Aided-Design (CAD): Algorithms and software used for design and analysis of integrated circuits. 462; 463; 382; 465; 466; COS423; ORF307
    Real-time Computing: Use of computers for time-critical processing and control. 318; 482; 464; 475; 483 or MAE433 or MAE444; 486

* PHY208 and 305 count as one course for the concentration requirement

** ELE380/ORF309/MAT309 may be used to satisfy either the upperclass Mathematics requirement or the concentration requirement, but not both.

2.10 Design Requirement

Engineering is a creative process involving design of systems, components, or processes to meet desired needs. Science and mathematics provide the tools that are applied to devise solutions that meet stated objectives. Throughout the Electrical Engineering curriculum, students gain experience with the fundamental elements of the design process, which include the establishment of objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, implementation, testing, and evaluation. Beginning in the four sophomore core courses, creativity and design experience are introduced by means of open-ended problems, the study and use of modern design software tools, and laboratory work. These courses include material on the detailed description of complex signal processing systems, on semiconductor fabrication and processing, and on CAD software for circuit and logic design. In the junior year, ELE 302 takes each student through all phases of a design project, emphasizing hands-on experience while providing classroom guidance. In elective courses taken by juniors and seniors, design experience is intertwined in ways appropriate to the various subjects being taught.

The Design Requirement insures that each student's program includes a substantial design exposure that builds on that provided in ELE 302. At least one upperclass ELE course with substantial engineering design content beyond ELE 302 must be selected. These courses include 318, 375, 401, 402, 412, 462, 463, 464, 465, 475, 482, 483, 488 and others from outside departments. This requirement may also be satisfied with junior or senior independent work (see sect. 2.13) with a substantial design content.

2.11 Departmentals

A minimum of two technical courses must be taken each semester during the junior and senior year. These are referred to as departmentals. At least 5 of these must be EE courses. These technical courses may consist of any 300, 400, or 500 level course in EE, or any course 300 level or higher in MAE, ChE, CEE, ORFE, CS, Math, Physics, MSE, Chem, EEB/MOL which is closely related to the student's academic program. In special cases, selected courses in other may be counted as technical electives. Such a situation may arise if the courses are integral to the student's academic program (e.g. Econ courses for someone in Engineering Management Systems interdisciplinary certificate program).

2.12 Oral Presentation Requirement

Each graduating student must make a 15 minute oral presentation on some technical work done in a class or in an independent project. If the class or independent project requires an oral presentation, it is sufficient to get a form (giving the date and topic of the presentation) signed by the instructor and give it to the program advisor. Otherwise, the student must contact her or his program advisor and set up an oral presentation. Following the presentation, the advisor signs a form giving the date and topic of the presentation. (Note: It is the responsibility of the STUDENT to discuss the oral presentation requirement with the program advisor and to arrange for its fulfillment.)

2.13 Independent Work/Thesis

Independent projects or research outside of a normal structured lecture or laboratory course are a valuable educational experience, and are highly recommended for all students at either the junior or senior level. The projects are often extremely challenging on both a personal and academic level, but also extremely fulfilling. If a design-oriented independent project is not selected, then one 300 or 400-level course having a substantial engineering design component must be taken in addition to ELE302 (see section 2.10). Independent work must not be taken P/D/F. Independent work cannot be used to fulfill the breadth or concentration requirements.

A design-oriented independent project must receive prior approval from the Departmental Representative on the basis of a written project plan submitted with the sign-up form. The plan must include appropriate specifications and a description of constraints. The final project report must discuss the relevant elements of the design process, such as the establishment of objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, implementation, testing, and evaluation.

A single, two-semester independent project may be recommended for a senior thesis by a committee of two faculty (advisor plus one other). Senior thesis must include an oral presentation to the two faculty, and submission of bound copies as per university regulations.

2.14 Academic Progress

So far, we have talked about requirements in terms of what courses to take. However, the BSE degree in EE also requires a minimum performance level. Students majoring in the Electrical Engineering Department are expected to maintain a C average in their Sophomore EE program courses and in the Departmental courses in the Junior and Senior years. Should a student drop below a C average, the department will recommend an appropriate action to the University Faculty Committee on Examinations and Standing that an Academic Warning be issued or that withdrawal from the University be required.

2.15 Honors

The "Departmental Standing," which determines eligibility for graduation and the awarding of graduation Honors, is based on the average grade of the eight of the Departmental courses with the best grades. At least a C average is required for graduation and a B+ average is required to be eligible for Honors. The awarding of Honors, High Honors, and Highest Honors is determined by a vote of the faculty based on performance in all technical courses, with independent project/thesis work normally given special consideration.

2.16 Interdisciplinary Programs

Interested students may combine their work in EE with that in other departments through interdisciplinary Certificate Programs such as Engineering and Management Systems, Engineering Physics, Materials Science and Engineering, Engineering Biology, Environmental Studies, Applied and Computational Math, and the Woodrow Wilson School (WWS by application only).

Students fulfilling a Certificate Program will receive a special certificate upon graduation. In some cases, the programs closely overlap with defined areas of concentration within EE. In other cases students should consult with their advisors to develop an EE program which best combines their EE interest with the interdisciplinary program.

For further information on the interdisciplinary program you are interested in, read the undergraduate announcement and consult the special program advisor listed in Section 1.4. Additional material may be obtained by contacting the Director of the Program (listed in the Undergraduate Announcement).


3.1 List of EE Courses

The list of undergraduate and graduate courses offered by the EE department for EE majors is given below. Following the course list is the prerequisite tree for undergraduate courses, whose main branches follow closely the four areas of breadth in EE.

201 Introduction to Electrical Systems and Signals
203 Electronic Circuits
206 Introduction to Logic Design
208 Integrated Circuits: Practice and Principles
218 Learning Theory and Epistemology
301 Circuits and Signal Processing
302 System Design and Analysis
318 Microprocessor-Based System Design
341 Solid State Devices
342 Physical Principles of Electronic Devices
351 Electromagnetic Field Theory and Optics
352 Physical Optics
375 Computing Structures
380 Probability
382 Optimization Techniques
397 Junior Independent Work (Fall)
398 Junior Independent Work (Spring)
401 Analog Electronics
402 Digital Electronics
412 Electrical Engineering Design Laboratory
441 Solid State Physics - I
442 Solid State Physics - II
449 Materials and Solid State Devices Laboratory
453 Optical Electronics
454 Photonics and Lightwave Communications
462 Design of VLSI Systems
463 Computer-Aided Design of Systems
464 Embedded Systems
465 Switching and Sequential Systems
466 Digital System Testing
469 Human Computer Interface (COS 436)
475 Computer Architecture
481 Machine Vision
482 Digital Signal Processing
483 Feedback Systems
485 Signal Analysis and Communication Systems
486 Digital Communications and Networks
488 Image Processing and Transmission
495 Electrical Engineering Seminar (Fall)
496 Electrical Engineering Seminar (Spring)
497 Senior Independent Work (Fall)
498 Senior Independent Work (Spring)

Given below is a partial list of graduate courses open to advanced undergraduate with permission of program advisor and instructor.

521 Linear System Theory
525 Introduction to Communication and Information Theory
527 Discrete Time Systems
528 Information Theory
531 Multi-User Communication Theory
534 Fiber-Optic Communication Systems
541 Electronic Materials
542 Surface Properties of Electronically Active Solids
544 Physics and Technology of Heterojunctions
545 Electronic Devices
546 Optical Properties of Solids
549 Physics and Technology of VLSI
552 Ultrafast and Quantum Optics
572 Processor Architectures for New Paradigms
577 Low Power IC and System Design
580 Advanced Topics in Computer Engineering

3.2 Prerequisite Tree

Coming soon...


In this section, you will see examples of some typical BSE programs. Given below is a General Program, whereas the subsequent pages contain specific examples. These examples are indicative, not exhaustive. Your program should be tailored in consultation with your program advisor to suit your specific needs and interests while taking into account your advanced placement status.

4.1 General Program*

Math 104
Phys 103
Chem. 203
Writing Elective
Math 203
Phys 104
Com. Sci. Requirement
ELE 201
ELE 203
Math 204
ELE 206
ELE 208
Upperclass Mathematics
ELE 301
Concentration 1-Breadth 1
Engineering Science
ELE 302
Breadth 2
Concentration 2
Concentration 3

* This program as well as the ones that follow assumes one semester of advanced placement in Mathematics. Without advanced placement, the upperclass mathematics and engineering science requirement may be delayed one semester.

Notes: In the specific examples that follow, the following abbreviations are used:

    b1, b2:Breadth in EE
    c1, c2, c3:Concentrations in EE
    d:Engineering Design
    e:Engineering Science
    m:Upperclass Mathematics
    p:Interdisciplinary program requirement
    w:University writing requirement

4.2 Signal and Image Processing

Freshman Fall
Math 104
Phys 103
Chem 203
Elective (w)
Math 203
Phys 104
Sophomore Fall
ELE 201
ELE 203
Math 204
ELE 206
ELE 208
COS 217 (e)
Junior Fall
ELE 301 (D)
ELE 380 (m)
ELE 375 (D,b1)
ELE 302 (D)
ELE 482 (b2,c1,D)
Senior Fall
ELE 475 (D,c2)
Depart. (D,d)
ELE 488 (D,c3)
Depart. (D)

4.3 Information Systems with EMS Certificate

Freshman Fall
Math 104
Phys 103
Chem 203
Elective (w)
Math 203
Phys 104
Econ 102 (p)
Sophomore Fall
ELE 201
ELE 203
Math 204
ORF 245 (p)
ELE 206
ELE 208
ORF 307 (p,e)
MAE 305 (m)
Junior Fall
ELE 301 (D)
ELE 380 (D,c1,b1)
ELE 375 (D,b2,d)
ELE 302 (D)
ELE 482 (D,c2)
ORF 405 (p,D)
Senior Fall
ELE 485 (D,c3)
ORF 411 (d,p)
ELE 486 (D)
ELE 498 (D,p)

4.4 Computer Systems Software

Freshman Fall
Math 104
Phys 103
Chem 203
Elective (w)
Math 203
Phys 104
Sophomore Fall
ELE 201
ELE 203
Math 204
ELE 206
ELE 208
COS 217 (e)
COS 226/Elective
Junior Fall
ELE 301 (D)
ELE 375 (D,c1,b1,d)
COS341 (m)
ELE 302 (D)
ELE 402 (D,b2)
Elective/COS 226
Senior Fall
ELE 475 (D,c3)
Depart. (D)
ELE 462 (D)
Depart. (D)
COS 318 (D,c2)

4.5 Real-Time Computing with Woodrow Wilson Certificate**

Freshman Fall
Math 104
Phys 103
Chem 203
Elective (w)
Math 203
Phys 104
COS 126
Econ 102 (p)
Sophomore Fall
ELE 201
ELE 203
Math 204
Econ 303 (p,D)
ELE 206
ELE 208
COS 217 (e)
WWS 304 (p)
POL 321 (p)
Junior Fall
ELE 301 (D)
ELE 375 (D, b1)
Math 305 (m)
WWS 401 (p)
ELE 302 (D)
ELE 318 (D,c1,d)
WWS 301 (p)
WWS 402 (p)
Senior Fall
ELE 483 (D,c2,b2)
Depart. (D)
WWS 303 (p)
ELE 482 (D,c3)
Depart. (D)
WWS 321 (p)

** A Woodrow Wilson Thesis is required in addition to the 36 courses. If the thesis has a technical component, one semester of departmental credit (ELE 497/498) may be allowed.

4.6 Solid State Devices

Freshman Fall
Math 104
Phys 103
Chem 203
Elective (w)
Math 203
Phys 104
COS 126
Sophomore Fall
ELE 201
ELE 203
Math 204
ELE 206
ELE 208
MAE 206 (e)
Junior Fall
ELE 301 (D)
Phys301(D, p)
Phy 305 (D,p,c1)
ELE352 (D,b1)
ELE 302 (D)
Phy 304 (D,p)
Math 302 (p,D)
Senior Fall
ELE 441 (D,c2,b2)
ELE 453 (D,c3)
ELE 442 (p,D)
ELE 498 (p,D,d)

4.7 Solid State Physics with Engineering Physics

Freshman Fall
Math 104
Phys 103
Chem 203
Elective (w)
Math 203
Phys 104
COS 126
Sophomore Fall
ELE 201
ELE 203
Phy 203 (p,e)
Math 204
ELE 206
ELE 208
Phy 208 (p)
Math 301 (m)
Junior Fall
ELE 301 (D)
ELE 341 (D,c1,b1)
ELE 352 (D,b2)
ELE 302 (D)
ELE342 (D,c2)
Math 301 (m)
Senior Fall
ELE 441 (D,c3)
Depart. (D)
ELE 442 (p,D)
ELE 498 (p,D,d)

4.8 Optical & Optoelectronic Engineering or Optical Communication & Fiber Optics

Freshman Fall
Math 104
Phys 103
Chem 203
Elective (w)
Math 203
Phys 104
COS 126
Sophomore Fall
ELE 201
ELE 203
Math 204
ELE 206
ELE 208
CS 217 (e)
Junior Fall
ELE 301 (D)
ELE 352 (D,c1,b1)
Math 301 (m)
ELE 302 (D)
ELE 351 (D,c2)
Senior Fall
ELE 453 (D,c3)
ELE 341 (D,b2)
Depart. (D,d)
Depart. (D)

4.9 Electronic & Optoelectronic Materials with MSE Certificate

Freshman Fall
Math 104
Phys 103
Chem 203
Elective (w)
Math 203
Phys 104
Sophomore Fall
ELE 201
ELE 203
Math 204
ELE 206
ELE 208
Chem 204
Math 301 (m)
Junior Fall
ELE 301 (D)
ELE 352 (D,b1)
Chem 305 (p,D,c1)
ELE 302 (D)
ELE 351 (D,b2,c2)
MSE 200 (p,e)
Senior Fall
ELE 441 (D,c3)
MSE 300 (D,p)
Depart. (D)
ELE 498 (D,p,d)

4.10 Microelectronic & Integrated Circuits with Engineering Biology**

Freshman Fall
Math 104
Phys 103
Chem 203
Elective (w)
Math 203
Phys 104
Chem 204
COS 126
Sophomore Fall
ELE 201
ELE 203
EEB 211 (p)
Math 204
ELE 206
ELE 208
MOL 214 (p)
COS 217 (e)
Junior Fall
ELE 301 (D)
MOL 342 (p,D)
Math 301 (m)
ELE 302 (D)
ELE 342 (D,b1)
EEB 324 (p,D)
Senior Fall
ELE 401 (D,c1,d)
ELE 497 (p,D)
MOL 457 (p,D)
ELE 402 (D,c2)
ELE 462 (D,c3,b2)

** For a pre-medical program, organic chemistry (CHE 303, 304) should be taken in the Junior year.

5. Independent Work

Independent projects or research outside of a normal structured lecture or laboratory course are a valuable educational experience, and are highly recommended for all students at either the junior or senior level. The projects are often extremely challenging on both a personal and academic level, but also extremely fulfilling. If a design-oriented independent project is not selected, then one 300 or 400-level course having a substantial engineering design component must be taken in addition to ELE 302. Independent work must not be taken P/D/F. Independent work cannot be used to fulfill the breadth or concentration requirements.

A design-oriented independent project must receive prior approval from the Departmental Representative on the basis of a written project plan submitted with the sign-up form. The plan must include appropriate specifications and a description of constraints. The final project report must discuss the relevant elements of the design process, such as the establishment of objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, implementation, testing, and evaluation.

Most students in EE undertake at least one semester of independent work. The following two subsections give some idea of the range of opportunities available.

5.1 Examples of Recent Undergraduate Independent Work

  • PHYSFORCE: Remotely Controlled Physics Demonstration Equipment
  • Image Processing and Construction under Windows 95
  • A Generalized Algorithm for Text Detection in Indiscriminated Images
  • Miracle Voice: The Development of a Real Time Pitch - Shifting Device
  • Designed for the Human Voice
  • The Design and Construction of an Autonomous Industry Standard Vehicle
  • Surface Slope Detection Using Multi-Element Avalanche Photodiode and
  • PIN Diode Detector Arrays in a Laser Ranging System
  • Analysis of Transmission Times in World Wide Web Traffic
  • Noise Characterization in Mode-Locked Lasers
  • Design and Analysis of an Automated Browsing Tool for Basketball Video
  • An Application-Specific Coherency Protocol Using Configurable Hardware
  • Thin-Film Growth of DAST via Low-Pressure Organic Vapor Phase Deposition
  • ELE302 Vending Machine System
  • Wavelets and the World Wide Web
  • Parallelization of an Automatic Test Pattern Generator
  • Observing Cherenkov Radiation in Electrooptic Crystals
  • Theoretical Foundations for and All Optical Switch
  • Design of a Dual Processor Architecture Utilizing the Intel 80690KB Microprocessor
  • AMBIANCE - Submersive Virtual Surreality Experience
  • Internet Mapping and Measurement
  • Mobility anisotropy in two dimensional GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures
  • Magnetic Excitations in Doped Semiconductors: The Bound Magnetic Polaron
  • Electron Spin Resonance Techniques in Self-Assembled InGaAs Quantum Dots
  • Design of a System of Interacting Vehicles Using Image/Video Recognition and Al Techniques
  • Automated Mex-File Generation for MATLAB
  • Piezoelectric Touch Sensing

5.2 Faculty Suggestions for Independent Projects

The following topics have been suggested by the faculty as possible projects for undergraduate independent work. These topics reflect their current interests and should serve as starting points for discussion between you and the faculty.

R. Bhatt B430; 8-1819;

  1. Quantum calculations for semiconductor materials
  2. Monte Carlo simulation of magnetic models using massively parallel computers
  3. Theory of disordered electronic systems
  4. Two dimensional electron gases and quantum Hall effect.

S. Chou B412; 8-4416;

  1. Nanofabrication technologies and IC processing
  2. Nanoscale electronics (single electron transistors and MOSFETs)
  3. Nanoscale optoelectronics (subwavelength optical elements, photodetectors, modulators, and lasers)
  4. Nanoscale magnetic devices (quantized magnetic disks, GMR, AMR, and sensors)
  5. Applications of nanotechnology in polymers and materials.

B.W. Dickinson B322; 8-4644;

  1. Audio signal processing related to binaural hearing and sensory perception of spatial location and movement.
  2. Computer software for exercizing abilities to change focus of attention in two and three dimensions.
  3. Modeling of sensory integration processes such as those involving ambient vision, proprioception, and vestibular system.

S. Forrest B210; 8-3500;

  1. Light emitting devices and solar cells using organic thin films
  2. Laser and photodetector research for optical communication and other photonic system applications.

N.K. Jha B220; 8-4754;

  1. Power estimation techniques for processors, FPGAs and ASICs
  2. Low power system-on-a-chip design
  3. Power optimization at the system levelTesting and design for testability of systems-on-a-chip
  4. High-level synthesis for low power consumption

A. Kahn B420; 8-4642;

  1. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy on organic molecular thin films
  2. Design, building and testing of organic light emitting diodes
  3. Direct and inverse photoemission spec-troscopy on organic molecular thin films

H. Kobayashi B323; 8-1984;

  1. Performance analysis of wireless LANs such as IEEE802.11a and b.
  2. Efficient simulation of rare events such as packet loss and decoding errors in communication systems and networks

S. Kulkarni B310; 8-6727;

  1. Algorithms in signal, image, and video processing
  2. Pattern recognition, learning, and adaptive systems
  3. Problems in discrete geometry and geometric reconstruction
  4. Applications of the above areas to econometrics and finance

S.Y. Kung B230; 8-3780;

  1. Study parallel algorithms for signal/image processing with possible implementation of DSP application specific array architectures.
  2. Study on video compression and segmentation algorithms for MPEG-4 and/or MPEG-7 applications.
  3. Study on competing neural models for intelligent multimedia information processing. Topics include simulations of these neural nets, mapping algorithms to neural computers, and concrete applications to vision processing and pattern recognition

R. Lee B218, 8-1426;

  1. Create a suite of multimedia kernels which is representative of performance-critical program loops, in the processing of images, video, audio (voice, telephony, music), graphics, and animation. This is akin to the Livermore loops for scientific floating-point computations. Many loops can be collected and optimized, some have to be coded from scratch. Publish this on the web and in a paper.
  2. Evaluate the performance of multimedia extensions for general-purpose processors, and the instruction-set architectures of advanced DSPs, using a representative set of multimedia loops.
  3. Survey the security protocols and cryptographic algorithms used for e-cash, e-credit and e-checks. Critique the methods.
  4. Design subword-parallel versions of key multimedia or cryptographic loops. Develop algorithms or programming techniques for doing this automatically, or at least systematically.

B. Liu B330; 8-4628

  1. Restoration of Sistin Chapel (Michelangelo) and Last Supper (Leonardo)
  2. Finding similar trademarks

S. Lyon B428; 8-4635;

  • Studying relaxation and scattering processes of electrons in semiconductors
  • Properties of the interface between silicon and silicon di-oxide
  • Excitation of surface plasmons on diffraction gratings
  • Control of experiments by microprocessors and small laboratory computers
  • Charge-coupled Device (CCD) arrays for low light level detection.
  • Light emission from Si MOSFETs

    S. Malik B224; 8-4625;

    My research is in developing techniques for automating integrated circuit design. My current focus is in the design of embedded software. This is application software that runs on dedicated processors (referred to as embedded processors), typically with tight space and time constraints. The projects in this area involve issues in operating systems, compilers and networking as applied to single chip systems. This research is being conducted as part of the Gigascale Silicon Research Center ( Students working on these projects will be able to take advantage of the center resources.

    M. Martonosi B215; 8-1912;

    1. Programming applications for handhelds like Palms and Pocket PCs
    2. Power studies in handheld and mobile computing
    3. Power aware computer architecture design
    4. Power measurement and modeling for desktop computers

    H. V. Poor B316; 8-1816;

    1. applications involving Bluetooth piconets
    2. multi-antenna communication systems
    3. wireless networking protocols
    4. stochastic modeling
    5. Underwater acoustic signal detection

    P. R. Prucnal B314; 8-5549;

    1. Photonic switching
    2. Optical computer interconnect
    3. Biomedical imaging
    4. Optical signal processing
    5. Fiber optics lasers

    P. J. Ramadge B326; 8-4645;

    1. Software tools for the analysis of finite state discrete dynamic systems
    2. Image, video processing and computer vision
    3. Applications of "artificial intelligence" to complex control tasks, e.g., adaptive and learning systems
    4. Decision making for complex systems, e.g., financial modeling, and decision making

    S.C. Schwartz B317B; 8-4618;

    1. Development, Analysis, and simulation of image processing algorithms
    2. There are a number of interesting projects in the area of terrestrial and satellite digital communications and mobile telephony. Some projects involve simulation and others would have an analytical component. Students should have had, or be taking, EE485
    3. Application of sequential Markov decision models to econometric problems (i.e., the stock market), data communication networks and simple adaptive communication systems

    M. Shayegan B408; 8-4639;

    1. Fabrication of high-quality GaAs/AlGaAs hetero-structures and nanostructures by molecular beam epitaxy and electron beam lithography
    2. Physics and electronic properties of heterostructures and nanostructures

    J. Sturm B404; 8-5610;

    1. Fabrication, characterization, and modeling of semiconductor materials, devices and circuits for microelectronics (VLSI) and for large area electronics (e.g. flat panel displays).

    D. Tsui B426; 8-4621;

    1. Charge transport in nanostructures and superlattices
    2. Fractional quantum Hall liquids and electron solid

    S. Verdú B308; 8-5315;

    1. Simulation studies in wireless multiuser communications subject to fading.
    2. Speech Coding

    S. Wagner B422; 8-4631;

    1. Evaluation of passive and active fibers for electrotextiles
    2. Making and testing insulating layers for thin-film electronics
    3. Devising techniques for aligning layers in the direct printing of electronics
    4. Direct printing of etch masks (with S.M. Troian of Chemical Engineering)
    5. Computer control of optical equipment with Labview programs
    6. Sampling circuits for piezoelectric touch sensors
    7. Piezoelectric actuators (with A.N. Evans of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)
    8. Performance of solar cells in function of mechanical stress Microfluidic chip (with S.M. Troian of Chemical Engineering)
    9. Radiofrequency identification tags applied to product re-use (with V.M. Thomas of the Center for Energy and the Environment)

    W. Wolf B226; 8-1424;

    1. Design of embedded computing systems: audio processing, video capture, etc
    2. Tools for analyzing special-purpose computing systems
    3. Video analysis algorithms for deconstructing television.

    6. Electrical Engineering Degree Requirements Checklist

    Name:       Class:       Advisor:     

    (student is responsible for checking that the certificate requirements are met)
    Applied and Computational Math   Materials Science and Engineering  
    Engineering Physics   Engineering and Management Syst.  
    Engineering Biology   Woodrow Wilson School  

    Engineering School Requirements (Indicate semester or course and semester)
    Math 103   Physics 103/105  
    Math 104   Physics 104/106  
    Math 201/203/217   Chemistry 201/203  
    Math 202/204/218   COS 126/CIV 201/other  
    Writing Requirement      

    Liberal Arts Courses and Distribution Requirements
    (At least 7 courses total and at least 1 course from 4 of 6 areas. Indicate course and semester.)
    Epistemology Cognition (EC) Ethical/Moral Values (EM) Historical Analysis (HA) Literature and Arts (LA) Social Analysis (SA) Foreign Language (FL) Other

    ABET H/SS depth and breadth requirement
    (Satisfy one of the following 4 items. No AP allowed)
    Three nonlanguage courses in one dept/area      
    Two nonlanguage courses in one dept/area, one beyond intro level      
    One 300-400 course in a distribution area      
    Completion of AB foreign language requirement  

    Electrical Engineering Requirements (Indicate course and semester)
    ELE 201   Upper Class Math (1)   Cannot be a departmental
    ELE 203   Engineering Science (1)   Not ELE & not a departmental 
    ELE 206   Oral Presentation (1)   course/date/faculty
    ELE 208   Design (2) see note 1 ELE 302 / S _ _  
    ELE 301   Breadth (2)     NO ELE380
    ELE 302   Concentration (3)      

    Eight Departmentals
    (300-400 level technical. Minimum of 5 from ELE. GPA>2. Indicate course and grade)
    1.         3.         5.         7.        
    2.         4.         6.         8.        

    Other Departmental Courses
      Year Fall Spring Add
    Notes Junior      
    1. Independent work must be certified to meet the design requirement. Senior      
      TOTAL must be  

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