Summer Internship

2012 Research Projects

Project Description Prerequisites
Storage-Capable Router On a programmable network platform (NetFPGA), implement a router capable of selectively storing and retrieving data segments to/from local store at line speed. Software: VHDL, Xilinx ISE,C
 Xilinx FPGA
OS: Linux,
Cognitive Radio Integration Integration of CRKIT platfrom into ORBIT environment Software: VHDL, Xilinx ISE,C,Ruby
 Xilinx FPGA
OS: Linux
Personal Sensing Variety of personal sensor/actuator related projects.

Software: Arduino/Embedded C/Assembler
Hardware: Arduino/PIC/Atmel Microcontroller

Orbit Visualization Visualization software for ORBIT portal. Design network views for users, system administrators and visitors and implement various elements of managememnet and control. Software: Linux, C, Ruby/Python/Perl/PHP
OS: Linux
RF Monitoring Develop a distributed spectrum sensing application on various programmable platforms that are available in ORBIT. Perform spectrum sensing, RF monitoring and spectrum coordination experiments Software: C/C++, Python
OS: Linux
Robotic Mobility Implementation of ORBIT related mobility support based on iRobot Create platfrom and Robot Operating System (ROS). Software: Linux, C/C++, XML, Java
OS: Linux
Brain Computer Interface Deveop EEG based human-machine interface Software: Linux, C/C++, XML, Java
OS: Linux
3D space modeling Develop a Kinect based 3D space modleing application Software: C/C++, Java
 Linux, Windows
Web Data Analyzer Design and implement a system that automatically analyzes web pages with given criteria

Software: HTML, Python or Ruby.
OS: Linux

Operating System Analyzer Design and developing a system to analyzing how files are accessed by different programs in an operating system.

Software: C/C++, Java, Python
OS: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X


Storage-Aware/DTN (GSTAR) routing implementation and evaluation

Software: C/C++, Java
OS: Linux
Vehicular and ad-hoc network evaluation using global name resolution and GSTAR routing Software: C/C++, Java
OS: Linux
Internet-scale evaluation of the global name resolution service (GNRS) Software: C/C++, Java
OS: Linux
Enhanced edge-aware MF Inter-domain Routing protocol implementation and evaluation Software: C/C++, Java
OS: Linux
OpenFlow router implementation for MF prototype Software: C/C++, Java
OS: Linux
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) service model implementation and validation in MF Software: C/C++, Java
OS: Linux
Sensor network service model and applications in MF Software: C/C++, Java
OS: Linux
MF client stack development on Android platforms Software: Java
OS: Android
Novel mobile applications using MF protocol capabilities Software: Java
OS: Android
Integration/evaluation of MF evaluation/demo system on ORBIT and GENI testbeds

Software: C/C++, Java
OS: Linux

User Interface Development Developing a graphical user interface for a novel calendar application

Software: Java
OS: Android

Research Platform Development Design and implement a system for gathering data from human participants in a laboratory settings.

Software: Python, Java. OS: Linux, Android, iPhone

Data Sharing For Personal Mobile Devices Design and implement a data sharing platform so that users can access the data in each others’ mobiles. Software: C/C++, Java
OS: Android

2024 Summer Internship Dates

Applications Due: April 14
Notifications: April 28
Internship Starts: May 28
Internship Ends: Aug 7

Project Pages

Past Research Topics