Summer Internship

2003 Research Projects

Project Description Prerequisites
Voice Over IP Implementation of VOIP in 802.11 environment Software: C,C++, Socket Programming Linux
Prototyping music delivery service to mobile terminals (PDS, cell phone). Software: Java, XML, Network Programming
High speed digital radio design Hardware: Communication systems, FPGA, VHDL
RF Wake-up receiver Implementation of low-power RF wake-up receiver Hardware: PCB Design, PSoC, C,
Sensor networks in medical applications HW/SW: PSoc, Linux, C, Network Programing
Highly Mobile Spectrum Sensor iPAQ based 802.11b sensing device Software: Linux, C
802.11 infrastructure monitoring Software: Linux, C, Perl, Java, SNMP, SQL
802.11a WLANs Modification of 802.11a Linux Device Driver for ad-hoc networking Software: Linux device drivers, C, 802.11a
MobileIP based AP MobileIP support for OpenAP based 802.11 access point Software: Linux, C, XML, Java,
Mobile Handoffs Robotic platform Software: Linux, C, XML, Java
802.11 Channel Characterization RF propagation measurements and modeling HW/SW: RF Instrumentation, C

2024 Summer Internship Dates

Applications Due: April 14
Notifications: April 28
Internship Starts: May 28
Internship Ends: Aug 7

Project Pages

Past Research Topics