MATLAB ------ A Powerful Research Tool for Scientists

Without MATLAB, computers might be nothing but an email box for many scientists.

How to change display format to have more precision?
How to export a figure to EPS format? with specified size?
How to find the roots of  a polynomial equation?
Export DATA from MATLAB to a text file with specified format?
How to input ' character in the string?
how to input "underscore" and "caret" "^' '_" in MATLAB plot?

To display numbers with more precision, using "format long"

Better figure exporting tools are  "exportfig.m" . The command is used like this:
 exportfig(gcf,'pic3.eps', 'width',6, 'fontmode','fixed', 'fontsize',8);
Detailed user guide: Part I &Part II
other assistant programs are also avialalbe as: previewfig.m, applytofig.m, restorefig.m

To calculate a value of a polynomial 'using " polyval"

Using fprintf:

a = zeros(150,2)
fid = fopen('exp.txt','w');
fprintf(fid,'%6.2f %3d\n',a);

use double quotes. For example a ='a''b' will make a=a'b


MATLAB plot's labels use Latex syntax. So, to really putting an "_" instead of make subscript, use "\_"

MATLAB M files example:

1. Digital Communication:

2. Digital Signlal  Processing and Filters