Linux Administrator's Work:
[ Kernel Compile | ALSA | DHCP | FTP
| Advanced
Routing | Linux Socket filter]
Kernel Recompile
There is a very good reference in
Also, its better to run "make mrproper" before configure the
kernel.However, make mrproper will chagen the content of .config. Be
sure to save the configure file to /boot/ directory for every running
Generally, follwoing commands are to be done one by one:
- make dep
- make clean
- make bzImage
- make modules
- make modules_install
- cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.25
Then edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst
Initrd image Ramdisk
If you don't compile ATI/IDE support and file system as build-in of
kernel, but as loadable module, then the boot will not succeed because
find ROOT file system.
So you need "mkinitrd" command to create a Ramdisk such as
"initrd-img-2.4.25" and add "initrd = initrd-img-2.4.25" into the
menu.lst file
To avoid that, simply build all esssntails in the kernel, for example
- ext3 file system
- IDE support
Debian Kernel Compile
make-kpkg -i revison 2.6.8 kernel_image kernel-header
cd ..
dpkg-i ???????.deb
This will copy the kernel image in /boot directory and copy all modules
into /lib/modules/?.?.?/
Note that dpkg -i command could automatically update your GRUB
configuration. So backup menu.lst first before it ruins the old
ALSA Driver install
For instlaling soundcards, download alsa-driver, alsa-lib, alsa-utils
from ALSA website
and in each source code directory, run "./configure; make; make
Yuo can visit ALSA website, and then the sound card matrix page. After
finding your soundcard manufacturer,
you can follow specific directions for that sound device.
after install, run alsamixer and press "m" button to un-mute all sounds.
Setting Up a FTP server with VSFTPD
- download vsftpd-1.1.3-1.i386.rpm
- rpm -ivh vsftpd-1.1.3-1.i386.rpm
- change /etc/vsftpd.conf, disable anonymosus users, enable write
- (option) change /etc/vsftp.ftpusers, enable root to login
- /etc/xinetd.d/xinetd restart
useful commands as:
#ip link list
#ip address show
#ip route show
#ip neigh show
refer to
Packet filter
refer to