How to make LATEX Document

In Windows:
Texnic Center (Free Software) + MikTex
In Unix: this can be done in Eden server, following the LATEX tutorial......
Install Tetex in Linux (Red hat 9.0), you need
  1. tetex-fonts-1.0.7-66.i386.rpm
  2. tetex-latex-1.0.7-66.i386.rpm
  3. tetex-1.0.7-66.i386.rpm
  4. tetex-dvips-1.0.7-66.i386.rpm

Input Special Symbol
Another FAQ of LATEX
Squeezing Space in LaTeX

How to use IEEEtrans.cls

The default IEEEtrans.cls is for use of 11.7*8.34 page size for camera-ready paper.
So, to print it correctly, you have to give extra margin is top margins:

Control The table width

this will control a table in a width less than the 1 column of a page. But the problem is that no dividing lines will be in the table.  Note that the effective symbol is "p{2.5in}" for second column, "l" is still valid for first column with no width limit. Basically, for a column, we could use "l", "c", "r" or "p".

Reduce the margin space

Add [-10mm] at the end of line, paragraph.