Routing Performance Analysis
[ Trace | Routing Overhead | Packet Delivery Ratio | Route Length | Back to Network Simulator 2 for Wireless ]
A Typical DSR routing
trace format:
s 606.210364161 _39_ RTR --- 1306 DSR 44 [13a a 27 800] -------
[39:255 8:255 255 8] 2 [0 0] [0 0 0 0->0] [1 1 8 39->10]
s: means send
606.210364161: time stamp
_39_: node id
RTR: means router message
1306: uid of this packet
DSR: DSR agent
44: size in the common header hdr_cmn()
[13a a 27 800] MAC detail: 13a: means the expected transmission
time ( note that packet size is large, 44 bytes, 314second?)
a: means the receiving node: 10
27: means the sending node is 39
800: IP header: 0x0800, (ETHERTYPE_ARP is 0x0806)
[39:255 8:255 255 8] IP detail: src address: IP 39 means
port 255
dst address: IP 8 means
port 255
TTL: 255
Next-hop: 8
2 [0 0] [0 0 0 0->0] [1 1 8 39->10] DSR detail:
2: num_addrs()
[0 0] route-request option, this is not a route
request, the second 0 is labeled for sequence number
[0 0 0 0->0] route-reply option:
[ " route-reply?" "Rreq seqno" "reply length" "dst of src route", "src
of the src route"]
[1 1 8 39->10], 1: shows this is a route error
1: number of route errors
8: tp notify node 8.
39->10: link 39-10 is broken
Routing Overhead
How to define Routing Overhead? If all the routing packets no matter broadcasting or unicasting per -hop
should be count once. There are some options:
- The total number of routing packets, counted once per hop
- The total number of routing bytes, counted once per hop
- The # of routing packets, count with sequence number, this means end-to-end,
not calculated by per-hop basis.
To calculate the number of DSR packets in method 1
$ cat | grep "DSR" | wc -l
The result is 3301 dsr packets for a 1000 seconds, 50 nodes 10 connections,
4pkt/sec, 512B size, 670X670 area, mobility speed is at most 20m/s and the
average pause time is 600 seconds.
However, this is not true. because both send and recv are included.
$cat |grep "^s.*DSR" | wc -l
shows only 514 DSR packets are sending.
Finally, use this awk code to count how many bytes are used.
BEGIN {pktno = 0; byte = 0;}
$1~/s/ && /DSR/ { pktno ++
byte+=$8 }
It shows "544 27016". So only 544 packets and 27016 bytes sent.
With this method, the packet is only count once. But this may be wrong in
some sense, because any forwarding packets are not calculate as overhead.
The new awkcode should be:
BEGIN {pktno = 0; byte = 0;}
$1~/s/ && /DSR/ { pktno ++
byte+=$8 }
$1~/f/ && /DSR/ { pktno ++
byte+=$8 }
END { print ( pktno, byte) }
This shows: "806 packets 43696 bytes". Because, the concern is the
time spent to send routing signaling, this is more accurate way to measure
routing overhead.
However, all of the above methods are not fair to compare.
The way to count MAC transmissions is the only correct way to do that.
How many MAC packets are sent for routing purpose and how many MAC packets
are sent for traffic.
BEGIN {dsrpktno = 0; dsrbyte = 0; cbrpktno = 0; cbrbyte = 0; }
$1~/s/ && /DSR/ && /MAC/ { dsrpktno ++ ;
dsrbyte+=$8 ;}
$1~/s/ && /cbr/ && /MAC/ { cbrpktno ++ ;
cbrbyte+=$8; }
END { print ( dsrpktno, dsrbyte , cbrpktno, cbrbyte) }
The result show 787 DSR MAC packets totaled as 83568 Bytes, but with data
traffic as 4806 MAC packets of 2873836 Bytes.
Note that the scene used in this scenario (/mobility/scene/cbr-50-10-4-512
and scen-670-670....-1 ) has very short path, all connection are just one
or 2 hops, and it is still to see that the routing overhead is huge in packet
number comparison as (787/ (787+4806) = 14.07% )
Another definition is "Normalized
Routing Overhead".
Normalized routing load is
the number of routing packets transmitted per data packet sent to the
destination. Also each forwarded packet is counted as one transmission. This
metric is also highly correlated with the number of route changes occurred in
the simulation.
The Perl script to calculate this is ( thanks to Umut Akyol )
$src = out7;
my $rte_overhead = 0;
my $num_rte_pkt = 0;
my $num_data_pkt = 0;
open(INPUTFILE,$src) || die "Cannot open file\n";
$line = <INPUTFILE>;
while ($line ne "") {
@input = split(/ /,$line);
if ($input[0] =~ m/s/ && $input[3] =~ m/RTR/ && $input[7] =~ m/AODV/) {
#print "A routing packet was sent\n";
$num_rte_pkt = $num_rte_pkt + 1;
if ($input[0] =~ m/f/ && $input[3] =~ m/RTR/ && $input[7] =~ m/AODV/) {
#print "A routing packet was forwarded\n";
$num_rte_pkt = $num_rte_pkt + 1;
if ($input[0] =~ m/s/ && $input[3] =~ m/RTR/ && $input[7] =~ m/cbr/) {
#print "A data packet was sent\n";
$num_data_pkt = $num_data_pkt + 1;
if ($input[0] =~ m/f/ && $input[3] =~ m/RTR/ && $input[7] =~ m/cbr/) {
#print "A data packet was forwarded\n";
$num_data_pkt = $num_data_pkt + 1;
$line = <INPUTFILE>;
if ($num_data_pkt == 0) {
print "No data sent!\n";
} else {
print "Routing overhead is ", $num_rte_pkt/$num_data_pkt, "\n";
Note that to calculate DATA packets we can both in layer 2 ("MAC") or layer 3
(RTR) from trace file. But if there are some cut-through or fast forward
happened in the layer 2, the packet does not go to layer 3. Using RTR will yield
wrong statistics.
Packet delivery ratio
The following AWK code to get all sending and receiving in Agent level is
BEGIN {counter1 = 0; counter2 = 0;}
$1~/s/ && /AGT/ { counter1 ++ }
$1~/r/ && /AGT/ { counter2 ++ }
END { print ( counter1, counter2) }
Then execute
$awk -f awkcode1
it shows 2236 2213. Thus, most packets are received.
This is calculated as the total number of packets sent by AGT and received
by AGT.
2213/2236 = 98.97%
Average Hop Counts ( Path length)
Instead of getting some information from DSR header about path length, we
can use a method independent of Routing protocol ( DSDV, DSR, AODV). this
is to use the number of MAC transmission divided by Agent layer transmission.
So, for above simulation, the avg hop count is :
4806/2236= 2.14