SRPacket p(packet, srh);
Unless other routing protocol, the ns-2.1b9a,has a special node type named as "SRNodeNew". From those routines in the ns-lib.tcl. We can see that speical. Also, there is a tcl file in mobiloty/dsr.tcl is also related.
DSR Signaling Packets in Brief:
Simulator instproc create-node-instance args {
$self instvar routingAgent_
# DSR is a special case
if {$routingAgent_ == "DSR"} {
set nodeclass [$self set-dsr-nodetype]
} else {
set nodeclass Node/MobileNode
return [eval new $nodeclass $args]
Simulator instproc set-dsr-nodetype {} {
$self instvar wiredRouting_
set nodetype SRNodeNew
# MIP mobilenode
if [Simulator set mobile_ip_] {
set nodetype SRNodeNew/MIPMH
# basestation dsr node
if { [info exists wiredRouting_] && $wiredRouting_ == "ON"} {
set nodetype Node/MobileNode/BaseStationNode
return $nodetype
About Flow State:
/*************** selectors ******************/
bool dsragent_snoop_forwarded_errors = true;
// give errors we forward to our cache?
bool dsragent_snoop_source_routes = true;
// should we snoop on any source routes we see?
bool dsragent_reply_only_to_first_rtreq = false;
// should we only respond to the first route request we receive from a host?
bool dsragent_propagate_last_error = true;
// should we take the data from the last route error msg sent to us
// and propagate it around on the next propagating route request we do?
// this is aka grat route error propagation
bool dsragent_send_grat_replies = true;
// should we send gratuitous replies to effect route shortening?
bool dsragent_salvage_with_cache = true;
// should we consult our cache for a route if we get a xmitfailure
// and salvage the packet using the route if possible
bool dsragent_use_tap = true;
// should we listen to a promiscuous tap?
bool dsragent_reply_from_cache_on_propagating = true;
// should we consult the route cache before propagating rt req's and
// answer if possible?
bool dsragent_ring_zero_search = true;
// should we send a non-propagating route request as the first action
// in each route discovery action?
// NOTE: to completely turn off replying from cache, you should
// set both dsragent_ring_zero_search and
// dsragent_reply_from_cache_on_propagating to false
bool dsragent_dont_salvage_bad_replies = true;
// if we have an xmit failure on a packet, and the packet contains a
// route reply, should we scan the reply to see if contains the dead link?
// if it does, we won't salvage the packet unless there's something aside
// from a reply in it (in which case we salvage, but cut out the rt reply)
bool dsragent_require_bi_routes = true;
// do we need to have bidirectional source routes?
// [XXX this flag doesn't control all the behaviors and code that assume
// bidirectional links -dam 5/14/98]
#if 0
bool lsnode_holdoff_rt_reply = true;
// if we have a cached route to reply to route_request with, should we
// hold off and not send it for a while?
bool lsnode_require_use = true;
// do we require ourselves to hear a route requestor use a route
// before we withold our route, or is merely hearing another (better)
// route reply enough?
About Packet Salvagestatic const bool dsragent_enable_flowstate = false;
static const bool dsragent_prefer_default_flow = false;
it's unknown how to complete disable the packet retransmission in layer 3. Even you change three expressions in
The trace file still show that the routing agent send a undeliverable packet again. See xmitFail() function. I guess, it is necessary to disable "GOD" also.