Yingying (Jennifer) Chen  
Fellow of National Academy of Inventors (NAI)
ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAIA Fellow
ACM Distinguished Scientist
Peter D. Cherasia Faculty Scholar
Department Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Director, Wireless Information Network Laboratory (WINLAB)
Director, Data Analysis and Information Security (DAISY) Lab

Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Email: yingche at scarletmail.rutgers.edu


ECE Department
Office: Core 506
Phone: 848-445-9151
96 Frelinghuysen Rd
Piscataway, NJ 08854

Office: C-109
Phone: 848-932-0948
671 Route 1
North Brunswick, NJ 08902

News| Media Coverage| Teaching| Research| Publications | DAISY Lab| Professional Activities| Collaborators & Students| Youtube Channel | Genealogy


Yingying (Jennifer) Chen is the Department Chair and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Peter D. Cherasia Faculty Scholar at Rutgers University. She is the Associate Director of the Wireless Information Network Laboratory (WINLAB). She also leads the Data Analysis and Information Security Laboratory (DAISY). She is a National Academy of Inventors (NAI) Fellow, an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Fellow, and an Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA) Fellow. She is also named as an ACM Distinguished Scientist. Her background is a combination of Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Physics. She has co-authored three books Securing Emerging Wireless Systems (Springer 2009) and Pervasive Wireless Environments: Detecting and Localizing User Spoofing (Springer 2014) and Sensing Vehicle Conditions for Detecting Driving Behaviors (Springer 2018), and published 300+ journal articles and referred conference papers. She obtained many patents with multiple of them being licensed and commercialized by industry. Her research has been reported in numerous media outlets including the Wall Street Journal, MIT Technology Review, CNN, Fox News Channel, IEEE Spectrum, Fortune, Inside Science, NPR, Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Voice of America.

Her research interests include: Applied Machine Learning in Mobile Computing and Sensing, Internet of Things (IoT), Security in AI/ML Systems, Smart Healthcare, and Deep Learning on Mobile Systems.

She is one of the pioneers to use machine learning techniques and data mining methods to classify and model the healthcare, security, system, network related problems since its infancy. Besides the algorithm development, her work has a strong emphasis on system implementation and validation in real-world scenarios. Her interdisciplinary research and education have been sponsored by multiple grants from various funding agencies:

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She is serving and served on prestigious journal editorial boards including IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (IEEE/ACM ToN), IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IEEE TWireless), ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (ACM TOPS), IEEE Network Magazine, EURASIP Journal on Information Security, and International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributes Systems (IJPEDS).

She is actively involving in community services. She is serving and served as Technical Program Co-chair of IEEE ICDCS 2024, IEEE INFOCOM 2022, IEEE MASS 2022, ACM MobiCom 2018, ACM WiSec 2019, IEEE CNS 2016, IEEE MASS 2013. She also serves as General Co-chair of IEEE DySPAN 2019 and ACM MobiCom 2016. All of these are top-tier conferences in wireless network, mobile computing, and network security. She regularly serves on the technical program committees (TPC) of ACM and IEEE conferences including ACM MobiCom, ACM MobiSys, ACM MobiHoc, ACM SenSys, ACM CCS, ACM ACSAC, ACM AsiaCCS, IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE ICDCS, IEEE CNS, IEEE MASS, IEEE SECON, IEEE ICC, IEEE Globecom.

Previously, she was a tenured professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Stevens Institute of Technology. She received early promotion twice at Stevens: from Assistant to Associate Professor, and from Associate to Full Professor. She was also the Graduate Program Directors of Information and Data Engineering (IDE) and Networked Information Systems (NIS) in ECE Department at Stevens. She was a visiting professor at Princeton University. Prior to joining Stevens, she was with Alcatel - Lucent (now Nokia) at Holmdel & Murray Hill, New Jersey. Her work has involved a combination of research and development of new technologies and real systems, ranging from Network Management Systems for Lucent flagship optical and data products to voice/data integrated services.

Latest Update

Our community-based edge computing and sensing testbed is available here, a multi-million dollar project supported by the NSF CCRI Program. It provides practical multi-modal sensing experimental environments and shares various datasets and machine-learning-based algorithms.

Looking for self-motivated Ph.D. students in Applied Machine Learning, Mobile Sensing and Security, and Deep Learning in Mobile Systems.

Dr. Chen is the editor of the column, "Women in Networks", in IEEE Network Magazine. Please contact her if you would like to be featured in this column.

Honors & Awards

Editorial Boards

Associate Editor-in-Chief

Current: Associate Editor

Past: Associate Editor

Guest Editor

Research Grants:

Current Research Areas


















































Selected Publications:


Yingying Chen, Wenyuan Xu, Wade Trappe, Yanyong Zhang, Securing Emerging Wireless Systems,
ISBN:978-0-387-88490-5, Springer, 2009.
Jie Yang, Yingying Chen, Wade Trappe, and Jerry Cheng, Pervasive Wireless Environments: Detecting and Localizing User Spoofing,
ISBN: 978-3-319-07355-2, Springer, 2014.
Jiadi Yu, Yingying Chen, and Xiangyu Xu, Sensing Vehicle Conditions for Detecting Driving Behaviors,
ISBN: 978-3-319-89769-1, Springer, 2018.

Selected Journal Papers:

Selected Conference Papers:



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