About me

I am a research scientist at the Networking and Distributed Systems Lab, Hewlett Packard Labs. Prior to HPE, I was a postdoctoral associate at Carnegie Mellon University collaborating with Professors Swarun Kumar and Peter Steenkiste. I earned my PhD in Computer Science from Rutgers University under the guidance of Professor Marco Gruteser. During my doctoral studies, I was honored with the Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from the CS Department at Rutgers University, and received the Best Paper Award at ACM VLCS 2016. I hold a Master's degree in Wireless Communications from Nile University and a Bachelor of Science in Computer and Systems Engineering from Alexandria University.
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I build next-generation wireless networking protocols and sensing systems. My research demonstrates that codesigning wireless networking and sensing systems can facilitate energy efficient, interference-free, cost effective, and accurate wireless systems. Broadly, I am interested in mobile computing, wireless and capacitive sensing, health sensing, positioning systems, networking, systems and applied machine learning. My recent projects include:
- 5G Dynamic Time Division Duplex [CoNEXT'24 Best Paper Runner-up]
- Sonic Dental Sensing [Ubicomp'24 Media Coverage]
- RF Long Range Energy Harvesing [MobiHoc'24]
- Battery-free Spectrum Sensing [MobiCom'23]
- WiFi Fine Time Measurements [MobiCom'18] [MobiSys'20]
- Associating Moving Subjects across Vision and Wireless Sensors [IPSN'22]
- Body-guided Communications [MobiCom'18]
- Visible Light based Activity Sensing using Ceiling Photodiodes [INFOCOM'18][VLCS'16 Best Paper Award]

What's New
- Dec 2024: Our paper on dynamic TDD policy adaptation won the Best Paper Honorable Mention (Runner-up) at ACM CoNEXT 2024. New!!
- Oct 2024: I will be serving as a program committee member of ACM MobiSys 2025.
- Oct 2024: Our dental health sensing paper has been highlighted in media: CMU News, Media Xpress, Savanna Dental, Postimees, O Jornal Dentistry. New!!
- Sep 2024: Our 5G dynamic time division paper is accepted at ACM CoNEXT 2024. New!!
- July 2024: Our dental health sensing paper using sonic toothbrush is accepted at ACM IMWUT (Ubicomp 2024). New!!
- July 2024: Our long range RF energy harvesting paper is accepted at ACM MobiHoc 2024. New!!
- March 2023: Our battery-free spectrum sensing paper is accepted at ACM MobiCom 2023.
- November 2022: A paper from one of my postdoc projects is conditionally accepted at ACM MobiCom 2023.
- February 2022: Our paper "Vi-Fi: Associating Moving Subjects across Vision and Wireless Sensors" is accepted for publication at ACM/IEEE IPSN 2022.
- March 2020: Our paper "Wi-Go: Accurate and Scalable Vehicle Positioning using WiFi Fine Timing Measurement" is accepted for publication at ACM MobiSys 2020.
- July 2018: Released our WiFi FTM Linux Tool.
- May 2018: Two accepted papers at ACM MobiCom 2018 : Accuracy Evaluation of WiFi Fine Time Measurements and Body-guided Communications. (PDF).
- April 2018: Our work on primary user-aware optimal discovery routing for Cognitive Radio Networks was accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2018 (PDF).
- November 2017: Our work on visible light sensing was accepted for publication at IEEE INFOCOM 2018 (PDF).
- April 2017: Our work on over-the-air TV detection using mobile devices was accepted for publication at IEEE ICCCN 2017 (PDF).
- October 2016: We just received the best paper award for our work, "Visible Light based Activity Sensing using Ceiling Photosensors”, at the ACM Workshop on Visible Light Communication Systems (VLCS) held with Mobicom 2016.(PDF).

Email: ibrahim[AT]hpe.com Address: 200 Connell Dr, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922