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this week
ET Send Snail Mail?

Monolith on the Moon?
the aliens be sending us messages in a bottle? While SETI researchers
wield mammoth telescopes hoping to pick up a signal from some distant
world, could it be that ET has long ago sent a message that's landed
somewhere unnoticed in our solar system – maybe even buried on our
planet? Some researchers think that using “snail mail” may
be an attractive way to send messages from one star to the next.
We'll talk about whether they're right.
Guests: Frank
Drake, SETI pioneer and author of the famous equation
that bears his name, and Christopher
Rose, of Rutgers University, who wrote the recent cover
article for Nature magazine on methods of interstellar
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Sunday. World Wide Hoax

Doubtful E-mail
shows that Americans are turning ‘being fooled' into a national
pastime, particularly on the Internet: From offers of quick
cash transfers from former African finance ministers to Web sites
that resemble your bank… but aren't. Is the virtual world
a place where we can no longer think critically?
week on Skeptical Sunday, the origins of a long-running
Microsoft hoax… and Seth takes to the street with his homemade “aura
meter.” Will your personal energy budge its needles?
Jonathon Keats, artist and writer, whose article
on the Microsoft hoax appeared in the July issue of Wired
magazine. Robert Todd Carroll is the Chairman
of the Philosophy Department at Sacramento City College and the
author of The Skeptic's Dictionary.
See Molly
and Seth with the "aura
12, 2004
Ultimate Genetic Code Book

Life's Blueprint
Join us as we follow the
journey of Craig Venter - a man who always feels a code coming on
- in his pursuit to collect the DNA of everything on the planet.
Venter, President of the Center for the Advancement
of Genomics. Dr. Venter played a leading role in sequencing
and analyzing the human genome. Also, James Shreeve,
author of The
Genome War, who recently joined Venter on a sailing trip
around the world. His article
about this trip appears in the August issue of Wired magazine.
29, 2004
under Glass: New Sci-Fi Museum in Seattle

Sci-Fi Museum
You've seen them on the
screen -- now see them up-close, behind plexiglass. They're
all your favorite aliens -- Robbie the Robot, R2D2, and even the
socially awkward Alien Queen -- stacked up and labeled for your
viewing pleasure. Join Seth and Molly as we tour Seattle's
new Sci-Fi Museum, discuss the science of sci-fi aliens, and bump
into Lawrence Krauss, Case Western Reserve physicist, along the
Guest: Donna
Shirley, Director of the Science Fiction Museum, and
Lawrence Krauss, who is the author of The
Physics of Star Trek.
22, 2004
Holes and Other Weeeirrd Physics

Stellar Black Hole
World-famous physicist
Stephen Hawking once said that black holes destroy everything that
falls inside them. Now he's backtracked a bit, and says that
some things may escape a black hole after all. So what's the
real story on these mysterious collapsed objects? Also, other
exotic physics, from super strings to worm holes; an interview with
Brian Greene, author of The
Fabric of the Cosmos. Our in-studio guest will be
Alex Filippenko, astronomer at the University of
California, Berkeley.
15, 2004
the Aliens Speak Math?
How's your math? Well, you may want to brush
up on it -- that is, if you hope to be conversant with ET.
Scientists say that any signal we receive from intelligent life
is rather unlikely to be in English, but in the language of math.
Find out why algebra truly may be an alien concept -- just as you
suspected in high school -- and what a message from another
planet might be. Also, how the language of math -- including
Leonardo da Vinci's love of numbers -- has influenced great works
of art.
Doug Vakoch,
Director Interstellar Message Composition, SETI Institute.
Bulent Atalay, physicist-artist, and author of
Math and the
Mona Lisa
8, 2004
Orphan Earth? The Search for Terrestrial Planets
the last decade, astronomers have found more than 100 planets quietly
orbiting other stars. That's the good news. The less-attractive
news is that all of these planets are king-sized -- the mass of
Saturn or more -- and are not the kind of planets that we believe
could host life. However, new experiments will soon be looking
for terrestrial-size worlds. Join us as we peer into nearby
galactic neighborhoods in search of Earth's cousins.
Alan Penny, of the SETI Institute, and Dave
Koch, NASA Ames Research Center.
1 , 2004
Sunday. Bigfoot: Big Hoax?

Roger Patterson
1967, a photographer snapped a picture of a human-ape creature walking
through the woods just as it turned to the camera. The photo is
not entirely flattering - and it's somewhat out of focus - but it
launched a thousand Bigfoot hypotheses. Since then there have been
numerous sightings of the hairy creature, as well as the display
of the occasional Plaster of Paris footprint. Now an
investigative reporter says it's all a hoax - and he's uncovered
the man who wore a homemade primate suit for the shot. Join
us as we discuss how tales of strange creatures gain credibility
with the public. Bigfoot, Big Hoax, or This Suit Goes Too Fur.
Greg Long, the author of The
Making of Bigfoot: The Inside Story. A review of
the book can be found in the July/August 2004 issue of Skeptical
Inquirer. Also, the Guy in the Suit.
July 25, 2004

During its
first weekend in the theaters, millions of film fans spent two hours
in the dark watching I, Robot, a movie set two dozen years
in the future when androids are as common as phone poles.
Inspired by the stories of Isaac Asimov,
I, Robot is a peek at a future that, in reality, might
not be very far away. Join us as we talk to a robotic expert
to find out when you can expect to have some mechanical help with
household chores, and with Robyn
Asimov about the nature of her Father's view of the
future. In addition, we'll be talking with artificial intelligence
and nanotechnology expert,
Ray Kurzweil, and award-winning science fiction
writer, Robert J. Sawyer.
Seth's movie review
July 18, 2004
Trek Science

and Kirk
of fans have been tuning in Star Trek since Captain Kirk
first ordered Scotty to beam him up in the mid-1960s. The
show has kindled excitement about space exploration, but it has
also inspired interest in real science. We'll find out how
two enterprising teachers have turned an ordinary classroom into
a Star Trek adventure that has kids moving at warp speed
to get to their desks. Also, we'll be talking to Andre
Bormanis, the man who keeps the science in Star Trek
on track.
July 11, 2004
Lure of the Rings

around a giant world.
After a journey
of seven years, the Cassini spacecraft is navigating its way around
Saturn's neighborhood. It's beaming back detailed photos of
this giant world's icy halo. Find out why the rings could
be the Rosetta Stone for understanding how our solar system was
Guests: Jeff Cuzzi,
Research Scientist at NASA Ames Research Center, and Josh
Colwell of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics,
University of Colorado. Both are members of the Cassini
research team.
27, 2004
Skeptical Sunday: Lost in the Lost City of Atlantis

Atlantis hiding here?
This summer a team of
archaeologists will launch a new hunt for the lost world of Atlantis.
Using a hi-tech submersible, they'll investigate an underwater island
near the Strait of Gibraltar whose features resemble the description
given by Plato of the legendary metropolis. Is there any truth
to the legend of Atlantis, or is this just a waterlogged fairy tale?
Join us on Skeptical Sunday as we dive into the latest ideas concerning
the most famous vanished city of antiquity. 
Guest: Kevin Christopher,
20 , 2004
The Launch of

photo: Scaled Composites
Join us as we cover the
launch preparations for the first privately funded rocket into space.
Could this open up the final frontier to everyone?
Molly Bentley reports live from the Mojave desert.
Guest: Jack Hagerty,
mechanical engineer, aerospace expert, and author of The
Spaceship Handbook.
Seth's essay
13 , 2004
The Universe Below
The vast majority of Earth's oceans remain unexplored --
in fact, we have better maps of Mars than we do of our own sea bed.
But that may soon change. With the launch of new deep-diving
vessels, and blueprints for building a vast network of permanent
ocean bottom observatories, scientists will venture into the darkest
pockets of our planet for the first time. Find out what lies
in wait for us beneath the sea -- including the life forms that
could direct our search for life on oceans beyond Earth.
Deborah Kelley, University of Washington, Seattle who just
returned from a 17-day expedition to the hydrothermal vents at the
Juan de Fuca Ridge.
Peter Girguis
Associate Scientist, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
6 , 2004
Extraterrestrial History
Long before modern SETI experiments -- and even before the invention
of the telescope -- people looked into the sky and reasoned that
there must be life on planetary bodies beyond Earth. In fact,
ideas about extraterrestrial life go back at least as far as the
ancient Greeks -- more than 2000 years ago. Hear how our thinking
about ET has evolved since antiquity, from the ideas about life
on the moon, Mars and worlds beyond - to one theory about life on
the Sun!
Guest: Peter Sobol, Science Historian
30, 2004
The Day After Tomorrow: Wrong Planet

of Liberty
the heavy-duty new Hollywood film, The Day After Tomorrow
washes over Manhattan, not to mention theaters across the country,
folks are lining up like bar magnets to see the first major disaster
film based on runaway climate change. But as any astronomer
can tell you, if you want to foresee what global warming can really
do, just check out our sister world, Venus.
sci-fi films will give you a few hours of popcorn-munching entertainment,
but are they anything more than that? Discover the philosophical
wisdom of your favorite flicks - from Star Trek to the
Matrix - from our guest, Mark Rowlands,
the author of the Philosopher
at the End of the Universe.
Seth's movie review
23, 2004
Sunday: The Shroud of Turin: Holy Relic or Wholly Hoax?

The Shroud
it the authentic burial cloth of Jesus, or merely a carefully crafted
hoax used to scam medieval pilgrims? The Shroud of Turin has
been the subject of speculation and considerable scientific inquiry,
including carbon dating and DNA analysis. But is there a shroud
of doubt? Join us as we talk with the experts about this controversial,
tattered tunic.
Joe Nickell, CSICOP investigator and author of Inquest
on the Shroud of Turin, and Steven Schafersman,
science writer, consultant, and teacher.
the program essay
16, 2004
Why Sedna? The
Celestial Name Game
Zeus |
have recently discovered a small world far beyond Pluto's distant
orbit. In naming the planet Sedna, they've broken with the Roman
pantheon: Jupiter, Saturn and similar denizens of the mythological
skies. Not everyone is happy with this seemingly politically-correct
Sedna got her moniker - and other contentious issues in the astronomy
name game, including whether you can really name a star after your
Charlotte Allen co-edits the InkWell blog for the
Independent Women's Forum. A recent essay of hers is entitled
Planet. Brian Marsden, Harvard-Smithsonian
astronomer and solar system specialist, and Phil Plait,
the program essay
9, 2004
Testing Einstein:
Will the Theory of Relativity Pass?
Einstein's general theory
of relativity predicts strange things, including the dragging of
space and time by a rotating planet like the Earth. But do
these predictions hold up? Hard to tell, to verify some of
Einstein's predictions has required measurements far too delicate
for the lab. But now a satellite just launched into Earth
orbit -- Gravity Probe B -- will put Einstein's most subtle ideas
to the test. Will Al pass? Or could he finally be proven
ever-so-slightly wrong?
Guests: Michael
Salamon, Gravity Probe B Program Scientist at NASA Headquarters
in Washington, D.C., and Barry Parker, science-writer
and author of Einstein's
Dream: The Search for a Unified Theory of the Universe, and the
forthcoming, Einstein's Vision.
25, 2004
Skeptical Sunday: When You Wish Upon a Star... Nothing Happens!
The Truth About Astrology
everyone has read a horoscope to get insight into their personal
lives, and many have consulted astrologers for readings. But
is there any reason to think that the positions of the stars and
planets have any influence whatsoever on our fates? Listen
in as Seth has his personal star chart read by a professional astrologer.
It's Skeptical Sunday... but don't take our word for it. Tune
Guest: Shawn Carlson,
founder and Executive Director of the Society
for Amateur Scientists, and author of a definitive study of
astrology, and Peter Sobol, science historian.
18, 2004
The End of the Universe
is our long-term future? Some say the universe will expand
forever, slowly turning cold and lifeless as the stars and galaxies
die. Others say that dark energy will rip all existence apart
in only a few tens of billions of years. Join us as we peer
deep into science's crystal ball to consider the ultimate fate of
stars, planets, and life, and ask what it all means to humankind.
Robert Caldwell, Assistant Professor of Physics
and Astronomy at Dartmouth College, and Marcelo Gleiser,
Professor of Natural Philosophy and Professor of Physics and Astronomy
at Dartmouth College. Author of The
Prophet and the Astronomer: Apocalyptic Science and the End of the
11, 2004
Energy and Superman: The Latest from the AAAS
dark energy to the exploration of oceans elsewhere in our solar
system, join us as we report from the annual American Association
for the Advancement of Science conference in Seattle, including
how Superman's super powers can be a tool for teaching physics.
[Encore broadcast of February 15 show]
Christopher Stubbs, professor of physics and astronomy
at Harvard University, on the weirdness of dark energy; Debbie
Kelley, professor of oceanography and astrobiology at the
University of Washington on undersea chimneys; Ralph Lorenz,
of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory on the mission to Saturn's
moon, Titan; and James Kakalios, professor of physics
at the University of Minnesota talking about what comic book superheroes
can tell us about alien construction. Also, Seth
goes looking for dark energy at the local hydroponics shop.
4, 2004
decision to stop servicing the world's most famous space-based telescope
has ignited widespread protest. What began as a lonely plea from
astronomers has now become a broad-based call to action. Is this
famous eye in the sky going to be shut? We talk about what it would
take to keep Hubble out of trouble.
Livio, Senior
Scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute, and
Grunsfeld, astronaut
and Chief Scientist, NASA.
28, 2004
Dino Demise: What Really Did Them In?
are pointing to new evidence that the rock that slammed into the
Yucatan 65 million years ago didn't, as widely assumed, wipe out
the world's supply of overly large lizards. But their claim
is controversial. We talk with experts to hear the latest
theories on dinosaur extinction.
Don Lessem, dinosaur expert and author; also known
as Dino Don, and Lowell
Dingus, geological paleontologist.

Also, NASA's David
Morrison (right) will describe what it would
have been like to be in the Yucatan
on that fateful day.
21, 2004
Sunday: When Seeing is Disbelieving
Those who claim to have "remote viewing" capabilities
say they can tune into distant events. These gifted folk can
see a man crossing the street in Botswana while sipping a latte
in a Berkeley café. If this is true, why bother with
cable? Find out why remote viewing is a long shot. But
don't take our word for it
Guests: James
Underdown, Center for Inquiry - West, and Ray
Hyman, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of
Oregon. Both are members of the Committee for the Scientific
Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, CSICOP.
14, 2004
Hollywood Aliens:
What's Right and What's Wrong
Hollywood loves movies
about extraterrestrials, but most silver screen aliens - from
E.T. to Star Wars - are remarkably anthropomorphic.
Scientists say the real
aliens may be far stranger than we think. Find out why intelligent
life elsewhere in the universe won't resemble Tinseltown's take.
Phil Plait, an astronomer and author of Bad
Astronomy. He also maintains a Web site of the same name,
7, 2004
Mars Pics: Curious Mix! Deciphering the rover photos
[NASA] |
Is it a rock, or might
it be a fossil? An expert weighs in on what pictures from the twin
rovers tell us about the Red Planet. Also, why London bookies stopped
taking bets on Martian life, and the man-on-the-street Rorschach
test - what do you see in the photo?
David Grinspoon
From Mars to Venus...astronomer and author of Venus Revealed,
David Grinspoon, talks
on the theme of his lastest
book, Lonely
Planets: A Natural Philosophy of Alien Life. And John
Grotzinger, a professor in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric
and Planetary Sciences at MIT and a member of NASA's science team
for the Mars robotic investigations.
29, 2004
Live from Arecibo: Talk from the telescope
in the excitement of the search for extraterrestrial signals as
SETI Astronomer Seth Shostak reports live from the world's largest
radio telescope in Puerto Rico. You'll be in direct touch
with Project Phoenix, the most sensitive hunt for extraterrestrial
intelligence ever undertaken. Call in with your questions
for Seth, and watch the experiment live on the SETI Institute's
22, 2004
Skeptical Sunday: The Darwin Conspiracy
(photo:BBC) |
Imagine a group of evolutionists, sitting in a darkened room, busily
plotting how to forge fossils and skew facts so that textbooks tilt
in favor of Darwinian evolution.
This conspiratorial scenario
might sound far-fetched, but some anti-evolutionists are convinced
it's real. Join us with guest Eugenie Scott,
a physical anthropologist, CSICOP Fellow, and Executive Director
of the National Center for
Science Education, and find out the top myths that creationists
use to confuse. It's Skeptical Sunday, but don't take our
word for it... tune in.
15, 2004
Live from the AAAS: The Latest Discoveries
From dark energy to the exploration of oceans elsewhere in our solar
system, join us as we report live from the annual American
Association for the Advancement of Science conference in Seattle.
Christopher Stubbs, professor of physics and astronomy
at Harvard University, on the weirdness of dark energy; Debbie
Kelley, professor of oceanography and astrobiology at the
University of Washington on undersea chimneys; Ralph Lorenz,
of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory on the mission to Saturn's
moon, Titan; and James Kakalios, professor of physics
at the University of Minnesota talking about what comic book superheroes
can tell us about alien construction. Also, Seth goes looking
for dark energy at the local hydroponics shop.
8, 2004
Going to Extremes: Biology in Unlikely
think your life is tough? Well, meet creatures that live in
some of the worst neighborhoods on Earth extremophiles. Whether
it's in a churning deep sea vent, or at the bottom of an Antarctic
lake, these creatures thrive where others wouldn't survive.
It's biology in extreme environments, and it could be a clue to
the kind of life we might find on other worlds.
Jonathan Trent,
microbiologist and nanotechnologist, NASA Ames Research Center.
above: Searching for microbes in the Mutnovsky volcano, Kamchatka
(Siberia). Photo: Susanne Trent.
1, 2004
New Views on Ooze: How Life Began
has carpeted our planet for more than 3 billion years. Some
researchers think that the first biology was cooked up in the hot
waters at the bottom of the ocean, but can we be sure? And
how did it happen? Understanding how life got started on Earth
is more than just a home-grown story. It could be an important indicator
of the prevalence of life elsewhere in the universe. Are
We Alone? talks to experts who track down the first glimmerings
of terrestrial biology.
Alonso Ricardo,
graduate student at the University of Florida, Michael Yarus,
Professor Molecular Biology, University of Colorado, Art
Weber, SETI Institute.
25, 2004
It's the Red Rover All Over Again. Touchdown: Opportunity
go to Pasadena's Jet Propulsion Laboratory as the second Mars robot
bounces onto the Red Planet. Can the successful landing of Spirit
be duplicated? Find out from Molly Bentley as she reports live
from NASA's Mission Control at JPL during the exciting hours after
touchdown. After all, Opportunity only comes to Mars once in a lifetime...
Also: Update on the Spirit
Peter Theisinger, Mars Exploration Rover Project
Manager, Wayne Lee, Chief
Engineer for Entry, Descent and Landing, and Dave Brody,
(Peter Theisinger
Photo: NASA)
18, 2004
President Bush: Fly Us to the Moon... and Mars
President has given NASA new marching... er, blasting orders: return
to the Moon, establish a permanent base, and then move on to the
Red Planet. Is this new roadmap for the space agency realistic,
and what will be the scientific and societal benefits? It's
not the first time that a major new quest has been questioned.
In the 18th century, Captain Cook's exploration of the South Pacific
was considered "crazy," says author Tony Horwitz. "Yet
it changed our understanding of the world."
Are We Alone? investigates
the case for the new space initiative, and what the voyages of Captain
Cook can tell us about the nature, and unexpected outcomes, of human
Tony Horwitz, a Pulitzer Prize-winning
journalist for the New Yorker and author of Blue
Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before.
Christensen, Planetary Geologist, Arizona State University.
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