Contact: pkamat -[@]-

Email me for resume.

I've completed my Ph.D. and am currently working at (IAC corp.). Previously I was a Ph.D. candidate in the Computer Science department of Rutgers University and graduate researcher at WINLAB. I'm interested in security and privacy issues in computer and communication systems. My thesis advisor was Prof. Wade Trappe.

Research Projects :

1] PARIS: Privacy Augmented Relaying of Infomation from Sensors. This project explores contextual privacy issues related to sensor networks. (Funded by NSF - National Science Foundation).

2] ORBIT: Open Access Wireless Research Testbed. I am part of the core design & development team, building a 400 node wireless research testbed. Read the recent MIT Technology Review feature on ORBIT. (Funded by NSF).

3] TRIESTE : A Trusted Radio Infrastrcture for Enforcing Spectrum Etiquettes. This project is focused on creating a security and spectrum etiquette framework for cognitive radio networks.

4] Security & Privacy in vehicular networks. This project focuses on creating a robust and scalable security framework for vehicular networks balancing privacy with auditability.

5] GENI: Global Environment for Network Innovations. I'm part of the WINLAB team focusing on the design of wireless portion of this widely collaborative effort. Our goals include wireless network virtualization, security and improved experiment control and management. (Funded by NSF).

Work Experience Summary:

  • Jul2005 - Aug2005 : National Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Yokosuka Research Center, Japan; research scientist.

  • Jun2004 - Aug2004 : Hewlett-Packard Labs, security researcher in Trusted Systems Lab.

  • Oct2000 - Dec2002 : Lucent Technologies, Member of Technical Staff on PathStar (a Bell Labs research project) and AnyMedia software R&D team.

  • Sep1999 - Sep2000 : Founding team member of a (now defunct) startup company developing direct-access trading and portfolio management software.